黃美筠陳玉芬林宜儒呂啟民2019-08-122019-08-122006-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82172經濟學科在九年一貫課程中主要融入社會學習領域。由於經濟學的核心概念即為選擇,是以經濟學是一門理想的發展批判性思考、做法策能力的學科。此正與社會學習領域十大課程目標之第七、八項相符。可見在新的課程中,經濟學的重要性仍不容忽視。 由於學習領域的實施,使得教師在課程與教教材的研發角色益形重要。社會學習領域師資培育機構應如何調適、提供該領域教師進修的機會,俾能加強他們的經濟教育專業知能,使他們能保持與學科領域同等的進步,同有意願創新教材教法是非常重要的。 本研究旨在建構國中階段經濟推理思考的教學模式與課程方案,並將此課程方案實際運用於社會學習領域的教學上,以配合九年一貫課程改革之目標。教師將可以這此課程方案做為自行設計課程之範例,而參與課程設計之教師亦可透過過程中之「行動研究」而發現問題並提昇其能力。 本文的實證部份,是根據一項二年研究計畫的實檢結果:第一年主要在建構國中階段經濟推理思考的教學模式,其中以文獻探討釐清經濟推理思考教學與一般思考教學的關聯性、並建行【社會學習領域】所涵蓋之經濟概念的分析,以作為本教學模型課程方案設計的基礎,同時成立課程設計小組編製具體可行之課程方案。第二年則採取行動研究法在國中進行四個單元的教學計畫,以評估此經濟推理思考教學模式之可行性,以及其對學生學習態度、教師教學態度與教學方法之影響。The subject of economics is an important component and integrated in the "Social Studies Learning Area". Because its core concept is choice, economics is an ideal subject for developing critical thinking skills and decision-making skills. That is, it's consistent with the two of ten basic learning capabilities, claiming in the curriculum objectives of the "Social Studies Learning Area". The new Curriculum places more responsibility for developing cooperative or interdisciplinary curriculum units on the teachers. How to adjust the teacher education in economics is essential if social studies teachers are to have an opportunity to pursue advanced education so as to enhance their knowledge and enable them to catch up the progress in academic fields and adapt to incessantly renovating education materials and methods. This project constructed an "Economic Reasoning instruction Model" for "Social Studies Learning Area", and to justify its availability as it might be taught and practiced in the junior high school classrooms. Also it plays an important role to facilitate the teacher's ability to do action researches and to discover problems during their instructional process. Through multi-methods research. Including literature review, curriculum panel, classroom observation, instruction model creation, and experiment teaching, this project were finished within two years. The first year, a theoretical foundation on "Economic Reasoning Instruction Model" worked out so that the panel members were able to design the "Social Studies Learning Area" curriculum units, including designing teaching materials and creating teaching methods. The second year, the way of action research was taken to evaluate the effect of the pre-year developed teaching units on students' learning attitude and teachers' teaching attitude and methods.經濟推理經濟教育社會學習領域行動研究Economic reasoningSocial studies learning areaEconomic educationAction research經濟推理思考教學運用在國中社會學習領域之行動研究The Action Research of “Economic Reasoning Instruction Model” Applied to the “Social Studies Learning Area” in Junior High School