黃乃熒 教授謝佳霓2019-08-282006-09-012019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0690000161%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90012中文摘要 本研究旨在探討學校組織應用演化理論推動九年一貫課程變革的現況、功能、限制與其可能的排除策略。在本研究中,應用演化理論於組織變革是強調組織在整體、開放、遠平衡態和非線性條件下,以訊息溝通回饋和探索平衡關係,開展組織演化歷程。而本研究採質性研究方法,以一所國民中學進行個案研究,並藉由訪談、觀察與文件資料蒐集方式,歸納研究發現,做成結論並提供建議。 依據研究目的,本研究的結論如下: 一、應用演化理論推動變革,校長可藉「目標」與「共識決」方式建構整體。 二、應用演化理論推動變革,可用訊息溝通回饋建構子系統新的平衡關係。 三、應用演化理論推動變革的功能,可幫助成員瞭解變革內容。 四、應用演化理論推動變革的功能,能幫助成員相互理解立場。 五、應用演化理論推動變革的限制,成員可能會虛應變革行動。 六、應用演化理論推動變革的限制,組織需花費時間取得共識。 七、排除應用演化理論推動變革限制的策略,成員應具主體意識,決斷組織發展。 八、排除應用演化理論推動變革限制的策略,要建構參與式願景,標榜組織功能。 九、排除應用演化理論推動變革限制的策略,要建構社群關係,連結組織情感。 依據本研究結論,分別提出對學校校長、行政人員與教師成員的相關建議。abstract The purpose of this research is to explore the presentation and the function of Evolution theory on the change of target school organization which is implementing the Grade 1-9 curriculum. And understanding the restriction, then find out the strategies to resolve the restriction. In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the change of target school organization, this study takes a junior high school as case study and adopts qualitative approaches, such as methods of interview, observation ,and the document material collection to collect data, make the conclusion and provide the suggestion. According to the results of data analysis and discussion, the conclusions are synthesized as follows: 1.The presentation of Evolution theory in the target school, the principal may constructs the whole by "the goal" and "the equilibrium of relationships". 2.The presentation of Evolution theory in the target school, the members of the school may use the communications and the feedback to construct the new balance relationships. 3.Evolution theory helps the members to understand the transformation content. 4.Evolution theory can help the members mutually understand the standpoint. 5.The restrictions from the application of Evolution theory, the members probably do the reformation perfunctorily. 6.The restrictions from the application of Evolution theory, the organization must spend the time to obtain a common consensus. 7.The strategies to resolve the restriction, the members should have the subjective consciousness. 8.The strategies to resolve the restriction, the members must construct the community relationship to hold together. According to the discussion of this study, bring up some related suggestions to the school principle, administrators, and school teachers.演化理論學校組織變革九年一貫課程演化理論在學校組織變革應用之研究—以一所國民中學推動九年一貫課程為例The Study of the application of Evolution theory on the change of school organization: A case study in a junior high school for Grade 1-9 curriculum