梁桂嘉Kuei-Chia Liang陳思安Szu-An Chen2019-09-052013-8-182019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699630115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103491起源於二十世紀初的超現實主義,期望藉由夢境與想像力,逃離現實並達到某種絕對的真實,也就是超現實。在今日,超現實主義或許已不再具有強烈的主導地位,但其運用想像力、誇張、幽默、夢幻及具震撼力的表現形式,卻讓超現實「風格」得以持續受到矚目與青睞,並以更生活化、大眾化的樣貌呈現。展示設計是運用空間規劃、造型風格、陳列、色彩、材質、照明等,結合人體工學所創造出的訊息交流平台,超現實風格運用其戲劇化、具震撼力的表現形式吸引觀者目光,製造話題性與噱頭性,適合運用於商業空間之表現。 以往的創作研究,大多偏向超現實表現手法運用於繪畫與平面領域之探索。本研究之目的,將進一步探討超現實風格表現手法,經由平面繪畫轉換到立體空間,並以商業空間為例,分析其運用於展示設計之可能性與發展性。首先透過文獻探討,彙整出四十四項超現實平面繪畫之表現形式,並將其分類成三項意念、六項技法及十項手法。藉由上述十項手法對照展示空間之類型與設計元素,經由十二件案例分析結果與創作設計之驗證,共歸納出九項超現實風格運用於商業空間表現手法之轉換。由上述研究結果可知,超現實表現手法運用於立體空間有別於平面繪畫之處,在於觀者可實際身處於作品之中,並因人體工學尺度的改變及物理定律的置換而產生強烈的心理感受。此外,裝潢材質的互換、別有意涵的空間排列方式、複合空間的區域規劃、展具與家具元素的異常結合,以及運用裝潢材料達到生物物質化等效果,皆能營造出獨特的超現實空間氛圍。在設計元素與設計趨勢方面,超現實風格較常應用於時尚精品專賣店、櫥窗、複合式酒吧餐廳與時尚旅館等空間,色彩大多以黑白灰為底色搭配特殊色或是濃重色彩點綴,材料常使用自由度高的塑料、木料加工,及能擴大空間視覺的鏡面材質,並運用新舊衝突、比例異常的家具營造出超現實氛圍。本研究根據以上結論,建立超現實風格表現手法運用於商業空間之理論基礎,提供未來相關從業與研究人員,在創作參考與學術研究上參考使用。Originated in the beginning of the 20th century, Surrealism hoped to escape reality and to reach a certain absolute truth through the realm of dreams and imagination ; hence, the surreal. Today, Surrealism may no longer dominate the trend; but its employment of the elements of the imaginative, the exaggerative, the humorous, the fantastic and the powerful expressiveness has continued to sustain the popularity of its style, the attention it has been getting, and allowed it to be presented in ways that are closer to life and catering to public taste. Combined with ergonomics, display design manipulates spatial planning, style of forms, display techniques, colors, materials, lighting and creates a platform that allows exchanges of information. Surrealistic style uses dramatic elements and stunning expressions to catch the audience’s eyes and generates topics for talks, which makes it suitable for commercial space. Previous studies mostly focused on exploring the use of surrealistic techniques and expressions in paintings as well as other two-dimentional fields. Using commercial spaces as examples, this study aims to discuss the use and expression of surrealism when it is translated into three-dimensional space, and analyzes the possibility and development in employing surrealism in display design. Firstly, through the compilation and study of literature, this study deduces forty-four expressive forms of surrealistic paintings, and further categorizes them into three intentions, six techniques and ten methods. Comparing these ten methods to various types and design elements in display spaces, cross-referencing them with twelve case studies and creative designs, this study induces nine current methods of employing surrealistic style in the desgin of commercial space. The study shows that the difference between the two-dimentional and three-dimentional usage of surrealistic techniques lies in the fact that the audience can actually situate themselves in the works. Therefore, strong psychological imapct is generated due to the change of ergonimic scale and the displacement of the physical law. In addition, design techniques are used to create unique surrealistic atmosphere in the space, such as the interchange of decoration materials, spatial arrangement with underlying intentions, spatial design of multiple functions, uncommon combination of display furniture and domestic furniture, materialization of common creatures through the use of decoration materials, etc. In terms of design elements and trends, surrealistic style is often used in boutique stores, window displays, combination restaurants, and boutique hotels. Black, white and gray are usually used as foundation colors and matched with unique or heavy colors as highlights. Materials such as hihgly moldable plastic and wood are used. Mirror is used due to its capability to prolong the space visually. Antique and new furniture as well as dispropotionate furniture are also adopted to create the surrealistic atmosphere. Based on these findings, this study outlines a theoretical understanding of the usage of surrealistic style and expression in commercial space as creative and academic reference for future related personnel and researchers of the field.超現實超現實主義展示設計室內設計商業空間SurrealisticSurrealismDisplay DesignInterior DesignCommercial Space超現實表現手法運用於展示設計之探究與創作-以商業空間為例A Study of Surrealistic Expression on Display Design - The Case Study of Commercial Space