黃富順Huang Fu-Shun葉芳君Yeh, Fang-Chun2019-08-292011-2-142019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697020108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92458 本研究旨在探討韓國終身教育的實施方式。主要目的有四:1、了解韓國終身教育的發展歷史;2、探討韓國終身教育的政策;3、分析韓國終身教育的實施方式4、歸納其特色及提出研究者的省思,以供我國辦理終身教育之參考。 本研究主要採用文件分析法,主要針對韓國從1945年至2010年止,65年的終身教育的實施歷程,以韓國終身教育的歷史發展及終身教育的辦理現況等主題,收集相關的文獻、論著、報告、期刊文章、網頁等資料。研究者進行資料閱讀與整理後,並進行綜合性的分析,探討韓國終身教育的歷史發展與實施情況並觀察韓國之社會民情,以歸納其特色,最後提出研究者的省思,以為我國辦理終身教育者之參考。 經由本研究可歸納出以下韓國終身教育的特色,在韓國終身教育政策與實施的二方面,分別為: 一、韓國終身教育政策的特色,主要可歸納為下列五項: (一)韓國將終身教育定為國家政策的重要目標 (二)訂頒相關法規做為執行的依據 (三)研訂計畫以落實終身教育政策 (四)以建構終身學習社會為終身教育推展的目標 (五)終身教育的推動以地方政府為重心 二、韓國終身教育實施的特色,主要可歸納為下列九項: (一)政府為推動終身教育具有強烈的意志與決心 (二)以終身學習城市為推動地區終身學習的重要策略 (三)任用專業人員,奠定終身學習的專業化基礎 (四)以多元型態推展終身教育 (五)對終身教育課程進行認證,以確保水準 (六)創造多元的大學學位取得管道,實施自學學位考試制度及推行學分銀行制,激發民眾的終身學習 (七)學分銀行連結正規、非正規、非正式教育,加強三類教育的統整 (八)利用網際網路,推動終身教育 (九)建立個人終身學習帳戶制,加強學習經驗的應用 最後綜合韓國終身教育政策擬定與制度實施結果的啟示,歸納出以下九點,做為我國辦理終身教育的施政參考,如下: 一、以終身教育為國家基本國策 二、政府對推動終身教育有積極的決心 三、訂頒完整的終身教育相關法規 四、建立系統的三級推動制度 五、採行有效的推展策略 六、以地方政府作為推動終身教育的重心 七、推動終身教育為政府機關部門的共同職責 八、任用專業人才,提昇推動的績效 九、建立終身學習帳戶制,加強學習資歷的應用This theme of the study is to explore the lifelong education implementation strategies in Korea. There were four main parts:1. Explore the background and development history of lifelong education in Korea. 2. Explore the policy of lifelong education in Korea.3. Analyze the practice of lifelong education in Korea.4. Summarize the features and related problems of lifelong education in Korea and make recommendations. The documentary analysis method was mainly adopted. The documents which had been collected from 1945 to 2010 included the relative documents, books, reports, editorials, and websites of the background and development history and the practice of lifelong education in Korea. By reading and arranging them, the researcher tried to analyze and discuss the lifelong education implementation strategies in Korea and the Korean society. After the discussion of the above, the study generalized the features from it and provided some recommendations for the lifelong education in Taiwan. The policy characteristics of Korean lifelong education contains: 1.Korea government set lifelong education as an important national policy. 2. Make relevant legislation as the basis for administration. 3. Set national plan to implement the policy of lifelong education. 4. The goal of lifelong-education promotion is to establish a lifelong-learning education. 5. Local government is the central promoting system of local lifelong education. And the practice characteristics of Korean lifelong education contain: 1. The government has strong faith to promote lifelong education. 2. Lifelong learning city is the key project of promoting local lifelong learning. 3. Appoint professional to establish the professional basis of lifelong learning. 4. Promote lifelong education by variety of institution and organization. 5. Direct lifelong education course authentication to maintain its quality. 6. Institute various systems like Credit bank system and Bachelor’s degree exam of self education to arouse popular lifelong learning. 7. Integrate formal education, informal education and non-formal education with Credit bank system. 8. Advancelifelong education with internet. 9. Establish the personal lifelong learning account to apply learning experience. This study makes several recommendations as follows: 1. Set lifelong education as the basis policy of nation. 2. Make positive resolution to promote lifelong education. 3. Revise relevant lifelong education law. 4. Establish 3level promoting-system from central to local government. 5. Adopting effective practical strategies. 6. Local government as a central promoting system of local lifelong education. 7. Promote lifelong education is government’s responsibility 8. Appoint professional to raise promoting achievement. 9. Institute Lifelong learning account system to strengthen the application of learning experience.終身教育終身學習學習社會韓國終身教育學分銀行終身學習帳戶制自學學位考試制度終身學習城市Lifelong educationlifelong learninglearning societyKorean lifelong educationCredit bank systemLifelong learning account systemBachelor’s degree exam of self educationLifelong learning city project韓國終身教育研究A Study of Korean Lifelong Education