鍾慧蘋陳殷哲Phoebe ChungYin-Che Chen2019-08-122019-08-122015-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82152競爭激烈的科技產業,優良的企業文化是永續經營的基石,優秀人才更是企業致勝的重要關鍵因素,如何有效地培育與開發優秀人才的潛力,將直接影響企業成長的幅度,具有良好企業文化與價值傳承的企業,才能帶領團隊從現實生活邁向理想世界。本研究以新竹科學園區個案集團企業為研究對象,旨在瞭解個案集團公司在導入探索教育對於形塑企業文化與提升教育訓練層級之影響,採量化與質性的混合研究法,與七位不同身份的受訓者進行半結構訪談,希冀由此研究作為台灣企業組織導入探索教育時之參考的依據與建議。In a highly competitive science & technology industry, a good corporate culture is the cornerstone of sustainable development. Talent is one of the key factors in business success. How to effectively nurture and develop the potential of corporate talents directly affects the growth of a corporate. A positive business culture and a set of inherited corporate values will guide the team toward the promised landscape from the current predicament. In this study, a Hsinchu Science Park Conglomerate was the target case. This study aimed at understanding the effect of incorporating Adventure Education in training on shaping the corporate culture and impacting the employees’ training levels. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were both employed with data from semi-structured interviews with seven different trainees. Findings from the study are expected to shed some light on how to establish the Adventure Education process into company training framework for organizations in Taiwan in the future.探索教育企業文化教育訓練層級adventure educationorganizational culturetraining levels組織導入探索教育對於形塑企業文化與提升教育訓練層級之研究The Study of the Effect of Adventure Education on Shaping Organizational Culture and Improving the Training Levels