陳昭儀Chen, Chao-Yi馮理詮Feng, Li-Chuan2023-12-082022-08-292023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/894550e6498f499795359be607c2bd1d/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119694本研究採詮釋學取向,探討國小資優教育教師的課程意識。研究者先藉由文獻的整理,析理出課程意識的向度及覺察層次,再邀請四位國小資優教育教師為研究參與者,並蒐集多元資料以理解其課程意識;透過詮釋循環的歷程,進行教師課程意識的歸納,以了解四位研究參與者的課程意識覺察層次、發展脈絡,以及其對資優教育素養導向課程設計原則的覺知與轉化。研究發現如下:一、研究參與者對課程的掌握及學生的覺察的課程意識上,皆達到了很高的層次,顯示課程與學生是資優教育教師的共同考量。二、研究參與者對資優教育理論概念及鉅視體系環境的覺察偏低。三、教師課程意識雖各有其不同發展歷程,但隨著時間推移,大致呈現向上的趨勢。四、教師課程意識的發展特別受到環境改變及角色轉換的影響,若教師能敏於覺察這兩種改變積極以對,便有很大的機會提升個人課程意識的覺察層次。五、資優教育教師對資優教育素養導向課程的理解與轉化,促使其更加重視資優教育的價值。六、資優教育素養導向課程設計原則,促發研究參與者更加重視以學生為主體設計課程,進而產生了理解其他領域專業的需求,研究參與者以自學或主動進修的方式積極提升自身課程設計的專業。最後,根據研究發現,研究者提出以下建議:師資培育的課程中,可強化教師對資優派典理論的認識;鼓勵教師跨系選修或持續進修;尊重資優班團隊成員並充份賦權;以分散式領導的方式,為資優教育團隊中的教師賦權;教師要能看見自身角色價值,發展教師的主體性;增加對自身文化脈絡的哲學性理解,參與資優教育下一階段的發展;擁抱對資優教育素養導向課程的詮釋,積極的付諸實踐。This study adopts a hermeneutical phenomenological approach to explore the curriculum consciousness of four elementary gifted education teachers. At the first stage, the researcher analyzed the dimensions of curriculum consciousness and the level of consciousness awareness through exploring the extent literature to sensitize a pre-understanding of the phenomenon. At the second stage, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews as well as collected relevant curriculum materials as research data. At the final stage, the researcher elicited (1) the levels of curriculum conscious awareness, (2) the context wherein the curriculum consciousness was developed, and (3) the awareness and transformative understanding of competence-based curriculum of gifted education through a hermeneutic circle process.The findings of the study are as the following: 1. Regarding the dimension of curriculum consciousness, all four participants reached a mastery level of the curriculum design and a high degree of awareness of their students’ educational needs. This result indicates that both curriculum and students’ learning needs were core considerations of the participants. 2. The participants demonstrated low awareness of the theories and the concepts of gifted education. Similarly, the participants alsoshowed low awareness of the macro-environment wherein the curriculum consciousness was situated.3. While the curriculum consciousness of each participant reflected a different developmental context, it also showed an upward growing trajectory with the passage of time. 4. The development of curriculum consciousness of the participants was found to be affected by the changes of school environment and teaching role. The result indicated that if teachers are able to perceive these changes positively, their level of curriculum consciousness are more likely to be enhanced. 5. The understanding and adaptation of the competence-based curriculum of gifted education helped the participants to realize the core values of gifted education.6. The principles of the competence-based curriculum of gifted education urged the participants to pay more attention to the student-centered curriculum design. This in turn enhanced a cross-disciplinary understanding of other teaching areas. In this study, the participants improved their expertise in curriculum design through self-studies or other professional development opportunities. Based on the study, the researcher proposes the following recommendations: (1) Teaching training institutions should promote the theoretical understanding of gifted education and the conceptualization of giftedness among pre-service teachers,(2) School districts should encourage teachers to enhance their cross-disciplinary understanding through continuous learning and professional development opportunities,(3) School administrative should respect and empower every member of the gifted team,(4) School administrative can empower teachers in gifted education teams with distributed leadership,(5) Gifted education teachers should be encouraged to see the value of their professional roles and develop enhanced teacher identity,(6) Gifted education teachers should be encouraged to increase their philosophical understanding of gifted education and involve the development of next-generation gifted education,(7) Gifted education teachers should be encouraged to generate their own interpretations of the competence-based curriculum and put them into practice.國小資優教育教師課程意識資優教育素養導向課程教師主體性elementary educationgifted educationcurriculum consciousnesscompetence-based curriculumteacher identity國小資優教育教師課程意識之探究Curriculum Consciousness Study of Elementary Gifted Education Teachersetd