陳鏗任吳建華2014-10-272014-10-272006-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17058為了經營與生活的兼顧,越來越多臺商在前往中國投資的同時,放棄短期兩地奔飛的模式,改而在中國大陸定居。舉家搬遷所帶來的子女教育銜接問題則透過臺商子 弟學校的辦理,來磨合中國大陸與臺灣兩方法規、銜接兩地生活、與兩地升學制度接軌等需求。 學校是形塑認同的重要機構,而臺商及其子女一直也都是兩岸政府所極力爭取的對象。社會環境、家庭、學校文化、師資來源、課程經驗等因素所帶來的拉扯與影 響,使臺校學生在認同問題中有更多的敏覺。研究者以臺校學生從學習經驗中所理解的故鄉與異鄉認同為範圍,以參與式觀察與訪談,輔以文件分析來進行探究與報 導,並據以提出相關建議,希望政策當事人能以積極措施與支持,以促進臺商子女的臺灣認同。With the increasing cross-strait economic interaction over the past twenty years, more and more Taiwanese businessmen who were previously living and working alone in mainland China have chosen to move their families to the mainland and live with them there. Moreover, for the sake of their children’s education in China, a Taiwanese businessmen’s Dong-Guan School has been established: it helps these children adapt to local life and culture, keep track of their Taiwanese homeland, and bridge the educational systems of Taiwan and China. Schools play an important role in cultivating young students’ sense of identity. This is especially significant given the degree to which these children are very sensitive to, and sometimes confused about, identity issues. For one thing, both governments tend to “court” or “win over” these businessmen and their children. The different environments, school cultures, teachers, and curriculum experiences, as well as the different backgrounds of their own family members (some may be originally from Taiwan and some from mainland China), potentially add to the identity confusion of these young students. Hence, the researchers conducted several interviews, participant observations, and document analyses in order to better understand these “in-between” children’s sense of a “homeland” (Taiwan) identity and a “strange land” (Chinese) identity. Finally, the analysis of these findings and suggestions for future research, are presented.臺商子女東莞臺商子弟學校認同Taiwanese businessmen's childrenTaiwanese businessmen's Dongguan schoolIdentity是故鄉,還是異鄉?Homeland or Strange Land?--The Indentity-Images of Taiwanese Businessmen's Children as Formed through Their Learning Experiences