阮震亞楊康宏Chen-Ya JuanKang-Hung Yang2016-05-042016-05-042015-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78069在美國,中學學障生通常成績表現不佳,學者專家透過不同策略與工具致力於減緩學障生學習困難。自我決策技能被建議為增加學障生達成其學業、行為與工作表現有效的介入方法,但鮮少有研究能透過教學現場觀察,有效的提出自我決策直接的實證。本研究運用單一受試者方法使用「行動課程」促進學生有效使用自我決策技能,主要目的在檢視個別學障生在目標達成方面的知能以及「行動課程」的教學對於其英文成績的影響。四位在英文資源班的高中學障生個別接受大約200個小時的「行動課程」。本文作者使用多基線跨受試者設計方法收集輔導教室中學生們在「行動課程」之前及之後個別的「行動課程」知能成績以及英文成績,比較每位學生在基線及介入後的相關係數及中位數差異比。結果顯示每位學生介入後的相關係數都比介入前基線的相關係數大,個別學生的英文成績及「行動課程」成績的中位數差異比顯示出學生英文成績是隨著「行動課程」成績的進步而增進,即顯示「行動課程」與英文成績間的功能性關係。總結本研究可得(一)學習自我決策技能可以協助學障生促進其學業表現;(二)學障生能夠主動實施「行動課程」;(三)學生學習「行動課程」後,對於自己的學校工作較有責任感;(四)老師覺得「行動課程」是有效且使用簡單的。然而,配合使用一些活動以提升學生學習動機和應用也是很重要的。最後,這個研究建議老師應該配合學生IEP目標使用這個課程。Substantial research has indicated that students with learning disabilities (LDs) in high schools exhibit poor academic performance in the United States. Researchers and educators have expended efforts to alleviate the learning difficulties of students with LDs by implementing various strategies and instruments. Self-determination skills have been recommended as an effective intervention for increasing academic, behavioral, and employment performance for students with LDs. However, few studies have provided evidence of self-determination through in situ observations. Purpose: This study applied a single-case design approach for enhancing the effectiveness of self-determination skills by implementing the Take Action lesson package. The main purpose of this study was to examine the academic effects of Take Action instruction on goal-attainment knowledge regarding the English scores of students with LDs individually. Method: Four high school students with LDs in an English resource classroom individually received approximately 200 hrs of Take Action instruction. Specifically, the authors used a multiple-baseline across-subjects design to collect the Take Action scores and English scores of the four students before and after Take Action instruction separately in a tutoring room. Collected data were used to compare the coefficient correlations and ratios of median differences between each student's baseline and postintervention scores. Results/Findings: The coefficient correlation results indicated that the postintervention scores of each student (Amy, Bill, Corey, and Evan) were higher than the baseline scores. The trends of the interventions for Amy (R'=0.96), Bill (R'=0.35), Corey (R'=0.32), and Evan (R'=0.94) indicated increases. In addition, the ratios of the median differences of English scores and Take Action scores indicated that each student's English scores improved after Take Action instruction. The results suggested a functional relationship between Take Acti學習障礙自我決策以目標為導向單一受試者研究learning disabilitiesself-determinationgoal settingsingle-case design目標導向教學對於學習障礙學生英文成績之影響:單一受試者研究以美國為例Effects of Goal-Setting Instruction on the English Performance of Students with Learning Disabilities: A Single-Case Study in the United States