謝登旺Deng Wang Hsieh羅標團Piao Tuan Lo2019-08-282005-8-162019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0101008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85409校所名稱:國立台灣師範大學政治學研究所 論文名稱:我國教師組織參與教育立法之研究 畢業時間:2005年8月(九十四學年度第一學期碩士學位論文摘要) 研究生姓名:羅標團 指導教授:謝登旺 博士 論文摘要: 本研究主要以全國教師會為主要研究對象,旨在探討教師組織在參與教育法律制定之政策合法化過程之影響,並以「教育經費編列與管理法」之制定為個案分析,及全國教師會在「團結、928」遊行後為時間主軸的重要教育立法參與之觀察探討。 本研究以文件分析法為主,由所蒐集之相關文獻中擬暸解教育政策的制定過程,並分析教育政策合法化過程的理論模式、影響因素,探討英、美主要國家教育政策合法化過程之模式,藉以檢視我國教育法制定的政策合法化過程,教師組織的立法參與;並以研究者本身參與教師組織的歷程,探討教師組織的立法參與。 研究發現教育政策制定之合法化過程,由於環境複雜而多元,兼具多種決策理論模式特性,教育政策之制定,大抵依循「提案、委員會審查、二讀、三讀及公布施行」程序;而在法案的審議過程中,朝野黨團協商對法案產生決定性的影響,是立法院近年來的重大變革。 從以上的研究結論提出建議,教育行政部門應主動積極研擬教育法案,並與教師組織共同合作解決教育問題,建立教育政策制定的夥伴關係。教育立法過程中,朝野黨團協商宜建立制度化,以免少數把持,甚至是利益交換,影響教育法案品質。教師組織應減少對立內耗,積極並深入國會遊說,推動教師法修訂,解決教師組織的人力、經費問題,強化政策參與能力,更要結合有相同理念之組織團體,以突顯教師組織在教育政策上之訴求,建立公平正義的教育環境。National Taiwan Normal University Graduate Institute of Political Science Title Thesis:The Study of Teachers’ Organization Paticipation in Educational Legislating Process in Taiwan. Student:Piao Tuan Lo Advisor:Deng Wang Hsieh Ph.D. Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to explore the influences of teachers’ organizations on educational legislating process. The study focused on National Teachers' Association at a case of The Compilation and Management of the Education Expenditure Law. The study also focused on the lawmaking participation of the National Teachers' Association in educational lawmaking after “Unity 928 Prade”. Documentary analysis and participating observation were employed to understand educational policy-making process, to form a theoretic model of educational legislating process and to analysis its associated factors. The models of educational legislating process in U.K. and U.S. were investigated in order to examine educational policy legitimating process and the legitimative participation of teachers’ organization in Taiwan. The findings from the analysis were summarized as follows: 1. Multiple decision-making models were included in educational policy-making process because of the complexity of current legislation situation. 2.Educational policies were determined according to “ Overture –audit -reduplicated reading–declaration-enforcement” process. 3.One of the main reformations in recent years was that negotiation between the ins and the outs was the conclusive factor in lawmaking process. The suggestions were made as follows: 1.The educational administration should draft educational measure and solve educational problems with teachers’ organizations automatically. 2.The negotiation between the ins and the outs should be institutionized so as to prevent the process from being controlled by a handful of politicos. 3.The teachers’ organizations should decrease antagonism among its members, invest much time and energy in lobbying, boost the revision of the Teacher Law, solve its financial and manpower problems, strengthen its ability in policy-making participation and affiliate with the other organizations in order to accentuate the appeal of creating better educational surroundings.教師組織政策合法化立法程序參與策略teachers' organizationpolicy legitimationlegislative procedureparticipation in strategy我國教師組織參與教育立法之研究The Study of Teachers’ Organization Paticipation in Educational Legislating Process in Taiwan