王麗斐博士Li-Fei Wang簡里娟Li-Chuan Chien2019-08-282010-6-92019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694010310%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90910本研究以華人文化的角度切入,探討我國諮商與心理治療專業工作者之情緒智力對治療效能之影響。本研究邀請具有個別諮商或心理治療之經驗、且從事成年個別諮商或心理治療之專業工作者(男性22位,女性105位,平均年齡32歲)及一位與其晤談三次以上的個案(男性37位,女性90位,平均年齡22歲)共同參與研究。參與研究之諮商與心理治療專業工作者需在當次晤談結束後立即填寫西方情緒智力量表、華人情緒智力量表、工作同盟量表及同理心量表;而個案則填寫工作同盟量表及同理心量表。蒐集的資料以階層迴歸分析法進行統計考驗。研究結果發現,西方情緒智力會直接影響諮商與心理治療專業工作者所知覺的工作同盟以及諮商與心理治療專業工作者自評之同理心能力;而華人情緒智力則對治療效能無顯著影響;華人情緒智力與西方情緒智力的交互作用對治療效能亦無顯著的影響。最後,研究者根據研究結果提出理論、實務與研究上之建議。This current investigation examined relations between emotional intelligence and therapists’ effectiveness in the cultural context of Taiwan. There were 127 counselors and therapists (22 men, 105 women, with the average age of 32 years old) engage in the study. A total of 127 clients (37men, 90women, with the average age of 22 years old) were recruited in this study together, who receive psychotherapy with the above counselors/therapists at least 3 times. Counselors and therapists were required to fill a package of the Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EII) and Indigenous Emotional Intelligence Scale (IEIS) immediately after the session. Besides, counselors/therapists, clients also filled the Working Alliance Inventory- Short Form (WAI-S) and the Empathy Scale (ES) after the session. The data was analyzed with hierarchical regression analysis. The result revealed that emotional intelligence directly influenced on the working alliance of counselors/therapists, and it also impacted directly on the empathy of counselors/therapists. But, there was no direct effect between indigenous emotional intelligence and therapists’ effectiveness. In addition, the interaction between emotional intelligence and indigenous emotional intelligence couldn’t predict therapists’ effectiveness. Research limitations and suggestions for future studies are addressed.情緒智力華人文化治療效能emotional intelligenceChinese culturetherapists’ effectiveness臺灣諮商與心理治療專業工作者的情緒智力與治療效能之關係The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Therapists’ Effectiveness