李素芬金樹人Su-Fen LeeShuh-Ren Jin2019-08-122019-08-122016-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80834本研究旨在探討憂鬱症團體領導者心理位移之影響。資料來源為11 位憂鬱症團體領導者運用心理位移書寫法書寫團體經驗之102 份文本,及其經過8-10 次書寫後接受個別訪談所得之22 小時逐字稿的部分資料。資料分析以現象學取向分析方法進行,結果發現團體領導者透過心理位移:(一)在自我層面產生了「自我覺察」、「自我運作」以及「自我安頓」等三個影響,且各自有其內涵;同時也發現到達「自我安頓」之三個不同影響脈絡。(二)在團體層面產生的影響,包括改變對團體的詮釋或態度、改變對團體的介入行為、改變對成員的觀點或態度、改變對團體領導者角色與功能的認定、增加對團體動力的覺察與理解、協助準備進入下次團體、減少與協同領導者風格不同之衝擊及減少對非結構性團體的焦慮;(三)發現從團體到自我,再從自我到團體或者透過自我改變帶出團體改變之影響脈絡。文末針對研究結果進行討論與建議。The purpose of this research was to understand the influence of psychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing(PDPD) on leaders of depression support groups. Participants of the study included 11 non-structured depression support group leaders. Data were collected from two sources: writing-diaries of group leaders after each session using first-person pronoun first, and then narrated the same event using second-person pronoun, and finally with a third-person’s perspective; and individual interviews with participants after 8 to 10 diary-writings. A total of 102 writing diaries and 22 hours of transcripts were collected and analyzed by phenomenon-oriented methodology, and the results found that: 1) Influences on the self level: results found that PDPD influenced on the level of self-awareness, self-operation, and self-containment. Further analysis also finds that all 3 levels were inter-correlated .2)Influences on the group level: Of which includes changes towards group members, group dynamics, interpretations, attitudes, and interventions; changes the concept of the roles and functions of the group leader; help the group leader to prepare next group and reduce the impact of different styles with co-leader. Further analysis also found that the level of self and group were inter-correlated. Finally, results were discussed andsuggestions were addressed.心理位移心理位移書寫法團體領導者憂鬱症團體depression support groupgroup leaderspsychological displacementpsychological displacement paradigm in diary-writing(PDPD)憂鬱症團體領導者心理位移之影響分析研究The Influence of Psychological Displacement Paradigm in Diary-writing on Leaders of Depression Support Groups