陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih林逸儂Lin, Yi-Nung2019-08-282017-12-192019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002A02109%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88751本研究旨在探究使用創意故事記憶口訣編製方法及不同漢字記憶法呈現方式對於以華語為第二語言學習者的漢字學習效果。本研究對象為25位臺灣師範大學國語教學中心之外籍學生。研究中所使用之學習材料,是從中文部件組字與形構資料庫(陳學志、陳仙舟、張道行,2012)中,挑選由兩個部件以上所組成的漢字共60個,其中一半以部件會意法編製口訣、另一半以部件嵌意法編製口訣。實驗操弄的兩個自變項為記憶口訣編製方式(部件會意法、部件嵌意法)及呈現方法(圖文呈現口訣、文字呈現口訣)。前者使用受試者內設計,而後者使用受試者間設計。而依變項為受試者在實驗結束後,立即的字義辨識測驗與字形書寫測驗,以及經延宕一週後之字義辨識測驗與字形書寫測驗上之得分。研究結果為:一、不同漢字記憶法呈現方式(圖文呈現口訣、文字呈現口訣)在字義辨識及字形書寫(立即及延宕)的學習成效上沒有顯著差異。二、在不同創意故事記憶口訣效果,只有部件會意法的立即字形書寫表現優於部件嵌意法。三、不同漢字記憶法呈現方式(圖文呈現、文字呈現)與不同創意故事記憶口訣編製方法(部件會意法、部件嵌意法)對漢字學習效果之交互作用皆未達顯著。最後,根據研究結果進行討論,並針對漢字學習在未來研究及教學實務上提出建議。The purpose of this study is to analyze the learning curves of Chinese as second language learners when using the presentation form of the Chinese character component and mnemonic phrases method. 25 foreign students were sampled from National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Training Center. Based on the Chinese orthographic database established by Chen, Chen,& Chang (2012), 60 Chinese characters which are composed by at least two components were selected as the research materials. Component-combined ideogram method was applied to half of the research materials and contextual conceptualization for the rest. Two independent variables are Mnemonics phrases (component-combined ideogram and contextual conceptualization) and the presentation form of the components (Mnemonic phrases with key-images and Mnemonic phrases only). Within-subject design was used for Mnemonics phrases and between-subject design for presentation form of the components. The dependent variables are the Chinese character meaning and writing test results done immediately and one week after the research. Research results conclude, firstly, different presentation forms of components (Mnemonic phrases with key-images and Mnemonic phrases only) and the result of Chinese characters meaning and writing are not relevant. Secondly, between different mnemonic phrases methods, component-combined ideogram is more distinguished than contextual conceptualization method in Chinese character writing. Thirdly, the correlation between the presentation forms of components (Mnemonic phrases with key-images and Mnemonic phrases only) and Mnemonics phrases (component-combined ideogram and contextual conceptualization) are not relevant. Finally, according to the study, recommendations for improving Chinese character learning and teaching techniques will be addressed.漢字記憶法創意故事記憶口訣以華語為第二語言者漢字學習The presentation forms of the Chinese Character componentsMnemonics PhrasesChinese as Second Language (CSL)Chinese Character Learning創意故事記憶編製法及呈現方式在漢字學習效果之研究The learning Effects of Chinese as Second Language Learners Using the Presentation Form of the Chinese Character Component and Mnemonic Phrases Method