吳千華孔令建2019-09-052004-6-212019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000073%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103502本研究主要探討超現實表現手法的應用,於繪本創作上之具體表現。九種超現實表現手法中,排除不適於本次創作之四種方法,透過自傳的劇本撰寫,結合幻想性的插畫表現方式,繪製出十五幕的場景。期望形成圖文互相影響,呈現個人獨有的原創作品。 本研究的創作過程以超現實表現手法為參考基礎,使用問卷調查法,從不斷嘗試線稿、劇本的撰寫與修改,最終將以上兩者緊密結合。從客觀的角度上,選擇以國、高中的在學學生進行問卷調查,了解創作者與觀者之間視覺經驗上之異同,探索未來研究發展之方向。 研究的結果顯示:在現代人的視覺經驗裡,許多過去難以想像的超現實現象,在現實世界裡已屢見不鮮,因此在超現實表現上將需要更別出心裁的設計,才能夠引出更多的共鳴;劇本情節的轉換上,雖缺少情節的描述,仍需注意強化超現實的意象;劇本各角色的營造仍有發揮的空間,在服裝配件上如果能夠追加設定,將帶出更多時代的意義。本研究在自傳的改編上,獲得很好的效果,題材的開發、畫面中線條的表現及層次感的探討仍然有發展的空間。This study is to investigate application of surrealist expression, which used in concrete manifestation of drawing book. In nine kinds of surrealistic expression, we exclude four kinds to suit this design creation. For this creation’s drama, adapted the designer’s autobiography several times. And then, correspond the form of fantasy illustration to the drama. According this, they could be transferred to fifteen schemes. We expected that they could interact to show personality and original creation. In creating process of this study, based on surrealistic expression and questionnaire investigation. They combined very closely by modify illustrated sketches and drama continuously. For the objective point of view, we selected junior and senior high school students to make questionnaire investigation. By analysis the investigation, we found the difference of visual experience between reader and designer, and explore the expanding direction in future. This study’s result contains:In the present world of visual experience, lots unimaginable surrealistic phenomenon are often seen. So it will need more original design to attract more attentions. When drama transferred to illustration, it must notice the strength of surrealistic phenomenon; every role development will need more effort. If role’s clothing be some setting, it will attach more time’s meaning. This study makes great effect in modified autobiography. There’s opportunity in research subject matter, illustration outline and the illustration administrative levels.超現實表現手法繪本創作幻想性插畫surrealisticexpressiondrawing bookcreationfantasyillustration.超現實表現手法應用繪本創作之研究