洪聰敏Hung, Tsung-Min洪崇益Hung, Chung-Yi2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/21acc34c22a65f1aa9d2ee724443ef03/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118701隨著運動人口比例增加,以及高齡人口逐年上升,對於營養補充品的消費需求也逐年提高。尤其,高蛋白產品的補充,對於這兩大族群在增肌減脂,維持健康的需求上,更是受到重視與值得探討。本研究以不同需求者為自變項,不同蛋白產品型態為依變項,以自編問卷[高蛋白產品的消費行為]作為研究工具,並採發送問卷連結方式,有效回收385份問卷做資料分析,並以JASP.2.0統計軟體進行分析,且以卡方檢定呈現不同的問卷填答者,在高蛋白產品的消費差異。結果發現如下:1. 型態偏好上,以高蛋白粉劑使用人數最多,原型食物次之,點心型態較少2. 近六成民眾有使用過高蛋白產品的經驗3. 民眾購買管道以大賣場、網路、藥妝店居多,且最易受到朋友推薦而購買4. 高蛋白產品使用族群以19~34歲的青壯年居多,購買動機以增肌減脂最多,並重視功能性,容量大小及產品風味口感總結,本研究建議欲開發高蛋白商品的廠商可就產品設計、產品型態、產品特點、口感風味,做貼近不同消費族群的需求,並在定價策略、專業認證、銷售通路及行銷策略上做精準行銷。With the increase in the proportion of athletes and the rise of the elderly population, the demand for nutritional supplements is also increasing year by year. In particular, the supplementation of high-protein products is worthy of investigation for these two groups in terms of their needs for muscle building and fat loss, and maintaining health. In this study, a self-administered questionnaire (high protein product consumption behaviour) was used as the research tool, and 385 questionnaires were collected by sending a link to the questionnaire for data analysis, and JASP.2.0 statistical software was used to analyse the data. The results are as follows:1. High-protein powders are the most used, followed by prototype foods and less bysnacks 2. Nearly 60% of people have used high-protein products 3. Most people buy from hypermarkets, online shops and cosmetics shops, and are most likely to be influenced by friends' recommendations. 4. The majority of high-protein product users are young adults aged between 19 and 34, and their motivation for buying them is to gain muscle and lose fat. They also value functionality, size and taste of the product. In conclusion, this study suggests that manufacturers who wish to develop high-protein products should tailor their product design, product type, product features and taste to the needs of different consumer groups, as well as target their pricing strategy, professional certification, sales channels and marketing strategies.高蛋白產品消費行為行銷策略增肌減脂營養補充high protein productsconsumer behaviourmarketing strategymuscle building and fat lossnutritional supplementation不同類型需求者對高蛋白產品食用型態偏好與購買原因的分析調查A Survey on the Preferences and Purchase Reasons of High Protein Products by Clients with Different Types of Demandetd