蘇憲法李之元Chih-Yuan Lee2020-12-102015-12-312020-12-102014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099603103%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115060本研究透過創作來詮釋「當代婚禮的視覺文化現象」,主要是以微觀的角度,探討在主流體系之下的當代婚禮現象,發掘其背後可能藏有的慾望、壓抑、衝突、疏離與自身醒覺,以深入的視野去剝解那些過往不被重視的細微之處,創作的主題包含「婚禮新人之凝視」、「婚禮賓客之凝視」與「婚禮場景之凝視」等三個面向主題。 研究者認為在當代重視自我醒覺、權力抗衡、性別意識與主客互動的思潮中,當代婚禮視覺文化現象的藝術創作,應該要提供觀者更多元的觀賞元素與角度,來協助他們對於畫面進行解讀與理解,婚禮不再只是主流觀賞下的唯一形式與典範,新人、賓客與觀者在社會趨勢與主流價值的影響下,自身內在所受到的制約與情感該如何真摯表達,是整個創作系列作品想要傳達的核心概念。 對於未來的研究方向建議,研究者認為當代婚禮之視覺文化的現象焦點可以再向外發展,擴延更多可能的相關創作議題,希望藉由這樣的方向延伸,能使當代婚禮視覺文化現象的系列作品,有更多元、細膩的探討面向與省思脈絡,增加創作主題意涵的價值性,期能引發更多觀賞者在婚禮儀式與社交下,深度的人性省思與自我醒覺。此外,研究者期待透過本研究,提供一些當代社會宏觀現象下的微觀思維,期能引發研究學者或創作藝術家更多的反思、創意與批判,協助我們的社會能以更人性與更多元的角度,來探討各種值得我們關注的議題。This research explains Phenomena of Visual Culture in Contemporary Weddings with creations which based on the micro viewpoints. It discusses the phenomenon of the contemporary weddings, including the desires, suppressions, conflicts, alienations and the self-consciousness. It explores the subtle things which do not emphasize the deeper viewpoints. The topic includes the “The Gaze of Newlywed”, “The Gaze of Guests in Weddings” and “The Gaze in the Wedding Site.” The researcher believes that people in the contemporary society emphasize self-consciousness, balance of power, the consciousness of gender and the interactions between the hosts and the guests. The art creations of Phenomena of Visual Culture in Contemporary Weddings should provide the viewers with more multicultural elements and viewpoints to help them realize and understand the paintings. Weddings are no longer the only form and archetype in the main stream. With the impact of the tendency of society and the values of the main stream, the newlyweds, guests and the viewers know how to express their inner condition and emotion sincerely which was the core in the whole creations. The researcher suggests that we expand the future focus of Visual Culture in Contemporary Weddings and discuss more related topics. This would help the creations of Visual Culture in Contemporary Weddings have more multicultural discussions and increase the value of the topic. Besides, the researcher expects this research could provide the thoughts of the micro-viewpoints under the macro-phenomena of society. It also provides the scholars and the artists with more reflections, creations, and criticisms to help people understand the topics of humanity and multicultural that our society concerns about.當代婚禮視覺文化視覺文化現象contemporary weddingsvisual culturephenomena of visual culture當代婚禮的視覺文化現象-李之元的創作研究論述Phenomena of Visual Culture in Contemporary Weddings: A Creation Discussion of Chih-Yuan Lee