方進隆Chin-Lung Fang陳勇志Yung-Chih Chen2019-09-052010-8-122019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695300704%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105725目的:探討中年男性代謝症候群者心肺功能(六分鐘走路測驗、心跳變異率)、身體組成及心磁圖參數特性。方法:以國民健康局 2006年訂定代謝症候群定義為標準,招募45~55歲代謝症候群(MS組,30名)及非代謝症候群男性(CT組,35名),共65名受試者參與實驗。心磁圖參數利用 ROC 曲線判斷其結果;其他資料以 SPSS for Windows 13.0 進行獨立樣本 T-test 考驗兩組各項目有無顯著差異,並利用皮爾遜積差相關檢驗體脂肪率、六分鐘走路測驗和心磁圖參數相關性,顯著水準 (P<.05)。結果:MS組體脂肪率顯著高於 CT組 (p<.05),肌肉重兩組無顯著差異;MS 組六分鐘走路測驗顯著低於 CT 組 (p<.05);兩組於安靜心跳率 (Mean HR)、Mean RR、HF(%)、LF/HF 皆未達顯著差異;心磁圖參數,MS 組在 SIQTc、QTc dispersion 明顯較 CT組高,Magnetic Dipole Angle (α角) 則無差異;由皮爾森積差相關檢驗後發現,QTc dispersion 和體脂肪率呈顯著正相關 (p<.05),和六分鐘走路呈顯著負相關 (p<.05)。結論:本研究發現代謝症候群者體脂肪率較高,且心肺適能上表現較差,由心磁圖參數SIQTc、QTc dispersion 結果可發現,代謝症候群者有較高的機率出現心肌缺氧症狀,且三者之間具有明顯的相關性,顯示代謝症候群者心肺功能下降時可能伴隨心肌缺氧等生理性病變產生。Purpose:The purpose of this study was to compare the endurance capability、body composition、heart rate variability and magnetocardiography (MCG) between healthy and metabolic syndrome Middle-aged males. Method:65 middle age males between 45~55 were recruited in this research, including those with metabolic syndrome (group MS, N=30) and non-metabolic syndrome (group CT, N=35). Metabolic syndrome was defined by Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, in 2006. All the test variables were measured in both groups. The parameter of MCG was analyzed by ROC Curve, and the remaining data were analyzed using independent sample T-test with the statistical software SPSS for Windows 13.0. The Pearson’s product-moment correlation was used to assess the correlation between percentage of body fat and endurance capacity with MCG. Results:The percentage of body fat of group MS were significant higher than group CT (p<.05). For muscle mass, no difference between groups were found. The distance of walking for six minutes of group MS was significant lower than group CT (p<.05). The heart rate of resting、Mean RR、HF (%)、LF/HF (%) were not found to be different between groups. The parameter of MCG, SIQTc、QTc dispersion of group MS were higher than group CT. The α-Angle was not found to be different between these two groups. Percentage of body fat positively correlated with QTc dispersion (p<.05). The distance ofwalking for six minutes negatively correlated with QTc dispersion (p<.05). Conclusion:Participants with metabolic syndrome have higher percentage of body fat and worse endurance capability. The parameter of MCG (SIQTc、QTc dispersion) show that the people with metabolic syndrome have higher probability with ischemia. The percentage of body fat, endurance capability and parameter of MCG have significant relevance. It is demonstrated that people with metabolic syndrome have drop in endurance capability possibly associated with pathological change linked with ischemia.代謝症候群心肺功能心磁圖中年男性心肌缺氧Metabolic syndromeEndurance capabilityMagnetocardiography (MCG)Male of middle ageIschemia中年男性代謝症候群者心肺功能及心磁圖特性之研究The Comparison of the of Endurance Capability and Magnetocardiography Variables Between the Healthy and Metabolic syndrome Middle-aged Male