鍾鴻銘Horng-Ming Jong2020-09-032020-09-032016-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109356本文旨在探討社會科創建者T. J. Jones之教育理念,及其對《1916社會科委 員會報告書》與社會科之緣起所產生的影響。除此之外,本文亦將概述《1916社 會科委員會報告書》的主要內容、它在美國社會科課程史上的意義,以及社會 科的原初意涵對當前臺灣社會科課程實踐的意義。研究指出,《1916社會科委員 會報告書》體現出Jones的社會科教育理念與理想。就《1916社會科委員會報告 書》的歷史意義而言,分別是:使社會科正式成為學校的一門科目;首度倡導問 題本位課程;提倡社區公民教育;倡導社會效率的教育觀。本文亦根據上述歷史 意義,省思其對臺灣社會科課程發展的啟示。The aim of this paper was to research on the educational idea of T. J. Jones, who was generally acknowledged as one the founders of social studies, and his influences on the 1916 report of the Committee on Social Studies and the origin of the social studies. Additionally, this paper also illustrated the gist of the 1916 report of the Committee on Social Studies and its implications in the historical development of the social studies, and the implications of the original connotation of the social studies for the contemporary curriculum practice of the social studies in Taiwan. The report of the Committee on Social Studies embodied Jones’s educational ideas and ideals about social studies. In terms of the curriculum development, the report is historically significant because social studies became a school subject officially, initiated problem- based curriculum, promoted community civics education, and advocated education for social efficiency. Based on the above-mentioned significances, this paper also reflected on their inspiration for the social studies curriculum development in Taiwan.Jones1916社會科委員會報告書社會科. J. Jonesthe 1916 Report of Committee on Social Studiessocial studiesT. J. Jones與《1916社會科委員會報告 書》對社會科緣起之歷史意義探究Exploring the Historical Significances of T. J. Jones and the 1916 Report of Committee on Social Studies on the Origin of the Social Studies