方進義Fang, Chin-Yi黃麗娟Hwang, Lih-Chuan2023-12-082027-08-292023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/dcb9f5b7ae47021af39bfb7f6618aa14/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121667現代人對於休閒活動的重視,已由一般室內娛樂活動轉向戶外的休閒遊憩。臺灣的休閒農場快速崛起、轉型,並提供遊客多元化的休閒活動,吸引旅客來訪。2022年全臺灣共有366家休閒農場,休閒農場具有豐富的自然生態、田園景觀和農產品,是國內觀光產業中重要的一環,然而國內各種休閒遊憩產業競爭激烈,休閒農場除了要面對同業的競爭之外還要與其他產業的競爭如民宿、渡假中心、綜合遊樂園、森林遊樂區等的競爭,休閒農場需要增加競爭力,讓遊客留下深刻的印象,願意重遊農場。本研究以計畫行為理論 (Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB) 為基礎,擴增體驗活動、農產品消費2項自變數,來探討影響休閒農場重遊意願的因素。本研究採取立意抽樣法於實地與網路發放問卷,問卷結果以SPSS 23.0統計軟體進行相關敘述性統計分析,使用AMOS 24.0進行測量模型分析與結構模型分析。本研究結果顯示,行為計畫理論中的主觀規範正向顯著影響休閒農場遊客重遊意願,休閒農場提供之體驗活動與休閒農場的農產品消費都會正向顯著影響休閒農場遊客的重遊意願。建議休閒農場可以針對團體中的領袖人物加強行銷,利用農場特色開發多元化的體驗活動項目與農產品種類。People nowadays value their leisure activities and have shifted their focus from indoor activities to outdoor leisure recreation. Leisure farms in Taiwan are increasing rapidly and provide tourists with a variety of leisure activities. In 2022, there are 366 leisure farms in Taiwan. Leisure farms are rich in natural ecology, rural landscapes and agricultural products. They are an important part of the tourism industry. However, the competition in various leisure and entertainment industries is fierce. In addition to the competition from the same trade, leisure farms have also to compete with other leisure industries such as homestays, resorts, amusement parks, forest recreation, etc. Leisure farms need to increase their competitiveness to impress their tourists and be willing to revisit the farm. Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), this study expanded two independent variables of experiential activities and agricultural product consumption to explore the factors that affect the intentions to revisit leisure farms. This study adopts the purposive sampling method, distribute questionnaires in field and online. The results of questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS 23.0 for descriptive analysis, and AMOS 24.0 was used for Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of this study show that the Subjective Norm in the TPB, the experience activities ,and the consumption of agricultural products positively affects the intentions of tourists to revisit leisure farms. It is suggested that the leisure farm can strengthen the marketing for the leaders in the group and use the characteristics of the farm to develop a variety of experience activities and types of agricultural products.計畫行為理論休閒農場重遊意願Theory of Planned BehaviorLeisure farmRevisit intention以擴增式計畫行為理論探討休閒農場重遊意願之因素Exploring the Determinants of the Revisit Intention toward the Leisure Farm with the Augmented Theory of Planning Behavioretd