張珮青Chang, Pei-Chin石凡真Shih, Fan-Jen2023-12-082022-07-112023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/14ad5a26e1dba78af57a66b05fa699c1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120566批判識讀提供了讀者們一副檢視日常新聞報導、廣告文宣、熱門漫畫、電視劇到課本文本並挑戰讀者及作者間權力關係的眼鏡。然而就批判識讀研究而言,台灣國高中英語課堂教授批判識讀的研究相對較少,文獻上探討在台灣常態編班英語課堂中教授批判識讀的研究亦十分有限。因此,本研究旨在深入了解在台灣一般常態編班英語課堂中批判識讀的教授。36名來自兩個七年級班級的學生參與本研究。為期四週的批判識讀教學開始的前一週及後一週,收集分析學生們完成以Luke和Freebody (1999)提出的「語言使用者的四種角色」設計而成的批判識讀測驗,及改編自Ko (2013) 「批判識讀學習經驗問卷」,以了解批判識讀教學如何在台灣一般常態編班國中英文課堂操作並探討台灣國中生對批判識讀學習經驗的反饋。批判識讀前後測分別透過成對t檢定、描述性統計及文本分析進行質性與量性分析,而問卷部分則是透過計算學生5分量表百分比進行描述性統計。研究結果發現:(一) 本研究中台灣一般常態編班的國中學生的批判識讀測驗成績在教學後都有顯著進步,尤其是在「意義創造者」及「文本使用者」兩個面向上。(二) 雖然英文低成就學生在意義創造者面向進步較英文相對高成就學生進步多,但英文相對高成就學生不論在前後測四個面向「文字解碼者」、「意義創造者」、「文本使用者」、「文本分析者」都較英文低成就學生表現高分。(三) 在教學後,學生擔任「文本分析者」的角色時在判別繪本中的規範並針對規範進行質疑的能力較判別並質疑繪本中的觀點能力進步更多。(四) 超過一半以上的學生都對此次批判識讀學習經驗保持正向態度,其中學生對閱讀材料的可讀性回饋較負向,包含閱讀題材是否具吸引力或符合目前英文程度。綜合以上所述,本研究發現批判識讀教學對於七年級國中生在批判識讀表現有正向影響。然而此研究結果的可推論性仍有部分局限性,例如:樣本數小樣本數可再增加及教學時間短可再延長等等。教師在批判識讀教學過程可以解釋並示範如何利用不同角色進行閱讀,並透過以「語言使用者的四種角色」設計而成的批判識讀測驗了解學生閱讀時在四個角色的能力優劣,適時提供英文低成就學生更多協助。希望透過本研究能提供增進EFL國中生以批判識讀觀點閱讀能力之教學意涵。Critical literacy may provide readers a pair of glasses to examine the power relations between readers and writers and to question the texts from daily news, advertisement, popular cartoons or sitcoms to textbook. However, research which investigated critical literacy instruction in junior high school regular English classrooms in Taiwan is far from sufficient, and little literature has been published on the critical literacy instruction in the junior high school regular English classrooms in Taiwan.The aim of this study was to gain insights into critical literacy instruction in the junior high school regular English classrooms in Taiwan. Thirty-six 7th graders from two intact classes were chosen as participants in the present study. Before and after the 4-week critical literacy instruction, participants took the pretest and posttest of critical literacy test informed by Luke and Freebody’s (1999) Four Resources Model of reading, practicing the role of code-breaker, meaning-maker, text-user, and text-critic. After the instruction, the participants conducted Critical Literacy Learning Experience Questionnaire adapted from Ko’s (2013). Data were collected and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The pretest and posttest of critical literacy were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively with a paired t-test, descriptive statistics, and a text analysis. The questionnaire was analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentage of students’ number according to the 5-point-Likert scales using descriptive statistics.Several findings were reported: (1) The junior high school students in the present study English classrooms all made significant improvement on their critical literacy test scores after the instruction, especially in the resource of meaning-maker and text-critic. (2) Higher English level students scored higher than lower English level students in taking the role of code-breaker, meaning-maker, text-user, and text-critic in the pretest and posttest. (3) As text-critics, all students made more improvement in identifying and interrogating norms of the picture book than identifying and interrogating perspectives of the picture book after the instruction. (4) Over half of the students perceived their critical literacy learning experience positively but they held a relatively negative attitude toward the aspect of accessibility of reading materials, including the reading materials were not appealing enough or were failing to match with their English levels.In conclusion, the present study found that the critical literacy instruction helped improve critical literacy in the 7th graders’ performance of critical literacy test after the instruction. However, the generalizability of these results was subject to certain limitations, including the sample size could be enlarged, the instructional hours could be added, and so on. Teachers could explain and demonstrate how to take different roles during the instruction. The critical literacy test informed by Four Resources Model of Reading could help teachers identify students’ strengths and weakness when taking the four roles during English reading. It’s worth noting that students with lower English proficiency might need more support than higher English level students during critical literacy practices. It is hoped that the present study provides educational implications for enhancing EFL junior high school students’ ability to read with a critical perspective.批判識讀語言使用者的四種角色英文繪本EFL國中學生critical literacyFour Resources Model of ReadingEnglish picture booksEFL junior high school students運用繪本輔助國中英語之批判識讀教學Using Picture Books to Scaffold Critical Literacy in an EFL Junior High Schoolreport_pro