姜逸群陳宜汝Yi-Ju Chen2019-08-282003-07-012019-08-282002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0000S09258%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87242本研究主要目的是探討大學生的個人背景因素對老人態度及行為意向之關係。本研究以某國立大學九十學年度大學部一至四年級全體在學學生為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣法抽出研究樣本,採用結構式問卷,並以受訪者自填方式進行資料收集,其中共得有效樣本603人(71.9%)。重要結果歸納如下: 一、大學生對老人整體的態度趨於負向;在對老人生理狀況、心理狀況的態度呈現負向的態度,但對老人社會狀況的態度則明顯趨於正向。 二、大學生對老人有正向的行為意向。 三、大學生個人背景因素與整體對老人態度之關係為:「宗教信仰」、「與老人相處情形」等變項與整體對老人態度有關。 四、大學生個人背景因素與對老人行為意向之關係為:「性別」、「學院別」、「宗教信仰」、「與老人相處頻率」、「與老人相處情形」、「修習老人相關課程經驗」等變項與對老人行為意向有關。 五、大學生對老人態度與對老人行為意向間之關係,呈現顯著正相關,其對老人態度愈正向,對老人行為意向愈高。 根據本研究結果,建議未來在發展老化教育課程時,應提昇學生與老人接觸經驗的品質,由澄清對老人錯誤的觀點出發,維持其對老人社會狀況的正向態度,著重於改善對老人生理及心理狀況的負向態度,藉此提高大學生對老人的行為意向,使學生表現出願意與老人接觸交往及幫助老人的行為。The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between demographic and attitude and behavior intention to the elderly in college students. A structured questionnaire survey was collected. A random sample of 631 college students was recruited from one national university and 603 of them were returned, the rate of retrieve is 71.9%. The main results were as follows: 1.College students' all attitudes to the elderly are negative. College students' attitude to the elderly at physical status and psychological status are negative; however, their attitudes to the elderly at social status are positive. 2.College students have positive behavior intention to the elderly. 3.There are significant between demographic of college students and all attitudes to the elderly are "religious belief" and "to get along condition with the elderly". 4.There are significant between demographic of college students and behavior intention to the elderly are "gender", "school", "religious belief", "to get along frequency with the elderly", "to get along condition with the elderly" and "the study experience about the elderly". 5.The relation between all attitudes and behavior intention to the elderly are positive. Based on the results of this study, some suggestions are made to development ageing education program in the future. These suggestions include that teachers should to promote the quality of college students to get along with the elderly, and to clarify the misleading with the elderly. And should support active attitude toward social status, and have passive attitude between physical status and psychological status to the elderly in college students. Therefore, college students could provide the behavior intention to the elderly, and then to display the behavior about likes to get along with the elderly and help them.大學生老人態度行為意向college studentthe elderlyattitudebehavior intention大學生對老人態度及行為意向之研究-以某師範大學學生為例A Study on College Students' Attitudes and Behavior Intention toward the Elderly