田秀蘭Hsiu-Lan Tien金玉萍Yu-Ping Chin2019-08-282004-07-072019-08-282004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0012016%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90490 本研究主要目的是在建立國中教師應具備之個案處理能力項目,瞭解國中教師個案處理能力之現況,探討不同背景變項之國中教師在個案處理能力之差異,以及不同背景變項對國中教師個案處理能力之預測力。 本研究使用自編之「國中教師個案處理能力評量表」,隨機抽取臺灣地區22縣市64所公立國中教師為正式施測對象,回收有效問卷378份,以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等方法進行統計分析。 本研究的主要結果有: 一、國中教師個案處理能力之內涵,計有8個向度72項能力。目前能力表現,依平均數高低順序排列,分別為輔導專業特質、專業倫理、與學生的互動、晤談前的準備、與學校相關輔導人員的互動、助人技巧、與家長的互動、蒐集資料。 二、國中教師個案處理整體能力及各分項能力不因性別、服務縣市、學校型態等背景變項之不同而有差異。 三、國中教師個案處理整體能力及各分項能力因目前職稱、教育程度、最近一年是否有個案處理經驗、是否接受過諮商督導經驗等背景變項之不同而有所差異。 四、除了「教學年資」背景變項無顯著之預測力外,其餘四個背景變項,亦即個案處理年資、最近一年每週個案處理平均時數、接受諮商督導平均年資、實足年齡,對部分個案處理能力分量表都具有預測力。其中,「最近一年每週個案處理平均時數」背景變項對每一個分量表均具有顯著性之預測力。 本研究最後根據研究結果,提出各項建議,供國中教師、學校行政單位、師資培育機構、教育行政機關、與未來研究方向之參考。 The purposes of this study were: (1) to establish the categories of case management competence junior high school teachers possess; (2) to find out their current competence level; (3) explore the differences of competence level; (4) to examine the prediction power of different background variables. “Junior High School Teacher Case Management Competence Scale” was developed and applied in this study. The Scale was mailed to sixty-four public junior high schools from twenty-two different cities in Taiwan. The participants were 378 teachers. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results indicated: (1) The case management competence among junior high school teachers can be defined into eight categories. They are counseling traits, professional ethics, interaction with students, preparation before interviews, interaction with other school counselors, helping skills, interaction with parents, and student information collection. (2) The teachers’ competence level did not differ significantly in terms of gender, school locations, and types of school system. (3) The teachers’ competence level differ significantly in terms of position, educational level, case management experience within one year, and the experience of being supervised. (4) The number of years of teachings did not make significant difference on the competence level. However, the other four variables did. They are number of years of case management, weekly counseling hours in the past year, and number of years under supervision. Among the four variables, weekly counseling hours in the past year has the greatest prediction power. According to the results of this study, the auther provided implications for junior high school teachers, school administrators, teacher training organizations, and government officers. Suggestions for futuer studies were also provided.國中教師個案處理能力junior high school teachercase management competence國中教師個案處理能力之研究A Study on the Junior High School Teacher's Case Management Competence