邱美虹Mei-Hung Chiu林彥丞Yen-Cheng Lin2019-09-052017-1-282019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699450216%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104714本研究旨在探討視覺化表徵能力教學對學生學習有機化合物概念的影響,透過提升學生視覺化表徵能力,幫助學生學習有機化合物概念,本研究設計針對新北市某市立高中二年級自然組兩班學生進行研究,將兩班隨機分派為實驗組對對照組,實驗組學生有37位,對照組學生有39位,共76位。實驗組與對照組的教學差異在於實驗組額外增加視覺化表徵能力(知覺、詮釋、轉換、連結、評估)說明,而對照組為一般教學,教學研究為期四個星期,共11堂課。 本研究結果顯示:1.透過視覺化表徵能力教學,能幫助學生學習概念,並且其中在概念類型中的性質達顯著差異(F=4.417,p< .05);2.視覺化表徵能力教學能提升學生視覺化表徵能力中的知覺、詮釋、轉換、連結、評估等面向,並且其中連結(F=9.023,p < .001)、評估(F=10.191,p < .001)達顯著差異;3.提升學生視覺化表徵能力有助於學習有機化合物概念,並且達中度相關(r= .687,p = .000<.001);4.學生對視覺化表徵能力教學持有正向的支持,認為知覺、轉換、詮釋、連結、評估時會運用一些知識,所獲得的知識量比課本來的多,豐富了課文的內容並幫助學習。 因此本研究建議:1.建議將視覺化表徵能力應用於各個單元教材中,提升學生視覺化表徵能力,用以幫助學生概念的理解;2.建議在其它概念上培養視覺化表徵能力,使得學生學習有機化合物單元時,能更有效的使用視覺化表徵能力;3.學生經過視覺化表徵能力的教學後,仍有部分學生在命名、性質、結構有學習困難,因此建議教師在採用視覺化表徵能力教學方法上,還要輔助其它教學策略。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of visual representation teaching activities on students’ learning of the concept of organic compound. The study was designed as a teaching method with visual representations ability. Seventy-six 11th graders from a local high school in New Taipei city were involved in this study, and two classes of students were randomly assigned to the experimental group (37) and the control group (39). The difference between the Experimental group and the Control group was that the former was presented with Visual Representational Ability (Preception, Transformation, Interpretation, Connection and Evaluation) of description, while the laster was designed to use the same materials without Visual Representational Ability of description. Four major results were revealed in the current study. First, Visual Representational Ability instruction was effective in helping students learn concepts, and among concept types, significant difference was found in Properties (F = 4.417, p< .05). Second, it was also found that Visual Representational Ability instruction can enhance students’ abilities of connection (F=9.023, p < .001) and evaluation (F=10.191, p < .001). Third, it was revealed that enhancing students’ visual representational abilities can help students in learning about organic compounds (r= .687,p = .000 < .001). And lastly, the experimental group had a positive view of the Visual Representational Ability instruction as they felt that it could help them learn more than they could from textbooks. The current study would recommend the application of the Visual Representational Ability in classes as a way to help students understand concepts. It will also be helpful to cultivate students’ Visual Representational Abilities in other fields/concepts so that students would be able to better apply their abilities when learning organic compound concepts. Lastly, as there were still some students who experienced difficulties in the categories of nomenclature, properties, and structure, the adoption of Visual Representational Ability instructional methods should still be complemented by other teaching strategies.有機化合物視覺化表徵視覺化表徵能力organic compoundvisual representationvisual representational ability高二學生有機化合物概念與其視覺化表徵能力之探究Investigating 11th graders’ Conceptual and Visual Representational Ability about Organic Compounds