紀俊臣Chun-Chen, Chi周惠卿Huei Ching, Chou2019-08-282010-2-252019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692100173%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85636基層地方自治是訓練人民參與民主的重要場域,臺灣自1950年實施地方自治已歷58年,當地方政府角色及職能朝向地方治理轉變的同時,公民參與已成為治理的核心,強化公民參與機制為潮流所趨;公民投票在歐美民主先進國家,有其實施的經驗與成果;我國歷經長期公投立法爭議下,於2003年12月31日制定公布公民投票法,是台灣民主深化的重要里程碑。 因全國性公民投票的干擾因素太多,本研究將點置於地方性公民投票對提升地方治理之可行性與必要性。分析及了解臺灣實施公民投票的經驗是否有助於強化地方治理;地方實施公民投票的政治文化是否已臻成熟;公民投票之對話及審議的機制,能否助益於公民參與決策制定,以及有助於爭議的排解;並試圖評析公民投票法制之缺失並提出建議。It is believed that the main purpose of local governance is to foster the dimension of political participation of people. Due to the development of local governance in Taiwan has enforced for fifty-eight years, the role and functions of local governments has transformed gradually. Citizen participation has been the core of local governance, and how to enhance citizen participation has become a mainstream. Comparing to Referendum Act has been established and flourished in Western countries; referendum legislation in Taiwan which had confronted legislative controversies for years was released finally in 31st of December, 2003, which is an outstanding milestone in the democracy development in Taiwan. The study begins with assessing the feasibility and essentiality of referendum at facilitating the development of local governance, the extent to which the experience of referendum legislation in Taiwan enhances local governance, and the extent to which local governance of political culture come to maturation. Then the extent to which referendum legislation assists citizen participating legislation is evaluated. Finally, suggestions about the defect of referendum legislation are provided in the study.公民投票地方治理referendumlocal governance臺灣地方治理實施公民投票之研究The referendum in Taiwan on the use of local governance