林怡伶張鑑如Yi-Ling LinChien-Ju Chang2019-08-122019-08-122016-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80629本研究旨在瞭解學步兒之氣質、家庭閱讀環境對其閱讀興趣的影響。研究對象爲102名在家中排行老大的27個月大學步兒與其主要照顧者。研究者透過問卷調查來收集相關的資料,包括:學步兒基本資料、1~3歲學步兒氣質量表、家庭閱讀環境問卷以及閱讀興趣問卷。本研究獲致之主要研究結果爲:學步兒氣質與家庭閱讀環境能有效預測學步兒閱讀興趣,其中以「家長閲讀認知」、「學步兒分神度」、「親子共讀頻率」、「學步兒堅持性」及「家長閱讀情意」對閱讀興趣達顯著預測力。家長閱讀認知愈正向、學步兒分神度愈低、親子共讀頻率愈高、學步兒堅持性愈高、家長閱讀情意愈正向,則學步兒閱讀興趣愈高。研究者針對上述研究結果加以討論,並據以提供建議給家長與未來研究參考。This study aimed to examine the influence of temperament and home literacy on reading interests. The participants of this study were 102 first birth order toddlers, aged 27 months and their primary caregivers. Each primary caregiver was asked to complete four questionnaires: toddler personal information, 1 to 3 years old toddler temperament scale, home literacy questionnaire, and reading interest questionnaire. The main results show that temperament and home literacy predict children's reading interests. Parents reading perception, level of distraction, frequency of parent-child joint book reading ersistence and parents reading affection were the significant predictors of children's reading interests. The more positive parental perception of reading, the lower distraction level of toddlers, the higher frequency of parent-child joint book reading, the higher persistence of toddlers, the more positive feelings of parents towards reading, the higher toddler interests in reading. Discussion and suggestions for parents and future studies were provided.家庭閱讀環境氣質閱讀興趣學步兒family literacyreading intereststemperamenttoddler學步兒氣質、家庭閱讀環境與閱讀興趣之關係初探Temperament, Home Literacy, and Reading Interests in Toddlers: A Preliminary Study