楊壬孝2014-10-272014-10-271986-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17727積分計算是數學上古老問題之一,至今已有許多數值方法來求值,其錯誤估計也隨之發展。但由於方法及估計方式不盡相同,更由於應用到電腦方面的機器限制(如四捨五入等之錯誤),所得之結果也不完全如預期。在本文中,將以電腦程式來比較不同方法對各類積分函數之有效性,並由於其其所需運算比較其所需的時間,進而發展出一決定樹。In this paper, we shall develop different numerical methods to evaluate a finite integral and then write computer programs to compare the efficiency of these methods. By the comparisons and analyses of these results, we can construct a decision tree for deciding which rule to use for a particular integrand.A Comparison of Quadrature Rules積分法則之一比較