林仁傑教授Jen-Chieh Lin張巧娟Chiao-Chuan Chang2020-12-102008-7-212020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695600033%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115311本研究之目的在於探討國中學生對平面廣告之圖像解讀能力,並探究其與性別、年齡、專業能力等因素之間的關係。研究樣本取自臺北市某國中七〜九年級美術才能班及普通班學生共六個班級進行調查研究。研究工具為平面廣告、調查問卷以及評分標準參照表。首先以問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,並運用內容分析法即透過預試編製評分標準參照表,最後經過質性轉量化的過程,再進行數據分析,以及運用SPSS PC+12.0版統計軟體,進行t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關。 本研究的主要研究結果如下: 一、以圖像解讀三個層次來說:大多數國中生均可以達到明示義及隱含義的解讀層次,但在象徵性意涵的解讀上,卻未能達到正確解讀的標準。而對於不同類型的平面廣告之解讀:大多數國中生均可以達到「肖像類」與「指標類」平面廣告的解讀標準,但在「象徵類」平面廣告的解讀上,卻未能達到正確解讀的標準。 二、國中女生在「肖像類」、「指標類」、「象徵類」三種平面廣告類型的解讀能力上,無論是各層次的解讀所得到之平均數或是總分平均數,均優於國中男生的表現。 三、但整體來看的話,以國中九年級的表現較佳,國中八年級次之,而國中七年級在這三種類型的平面廣告之解讀表現上都是最差的。 四、普通班與美術才能班學生的表現具有明顯差異,且美術才能班學生的圖像解讀能力平均數皆高於普通班學生。 本研究最後並根據研究發現與研究限制,對視覺藝術教育與未來的相關研究提出具體建議。There are two purposes of this study. First, analyze the ability of image interpretation of advertisements of junior high school students. Second, inquire factors that influence the ability of image interpretation of plane advertisements of junior high school students. The study objects are 6 classes in X junior high school in Taipei city. The tools of the study are plane advertisements and questionnaire. The study uses content analysis as quality analysis, and uses t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation as quantity analysis. The results of this study indicate that the ability of image interpretation of plane advertisements of junior high school students are as follows: 1.There were obvious differences between the sub-layer of the ability of image interpretation of different advertisements: Students could interpret the “iconic”,”indexed” advertisements well, but couldn’t interpret the “symbolic”advertisements successfully. 2.The gender was a significant variation among the all and the sub-layers of the ability of image interpretation of advertisements: The girls have a better ability than the boys. 3.The grade was a significant variation among the all and three sub-layers of the ability of image interpretation of advertisements: There was a significant differences in ability between seventh and ninth grade junior high school students. 4.Students in art class gain a better ability of image interpretation of advertisements than those in general class. According to the conclusion and limitations of this study, the researcher makes some suggestions to visual art education and further studies.國中生平面廣告圖像解讀Junior high school studentsAdvertisementsImage interpretation國中生對平面廣告圖像之解讀能力調查研究A Study of the Ability in Junior High School Students’ Interpretation to the tudy of the Ability in Junior High School Students’ Interpretation to the Graphs in Advertisements