徐昊杲 教授石宇立2019-09-042007-7-272019-09-042007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693700164%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98975本研究旨在整合我國高中職學生學習動機之實證研究結果。首先,蒐集截至九十六年三月為止高中職學生學習動機之研究論文;其次,描述與蒐集高中職學生學習動機研究之特徵,並建立本研究之假設;最後,探討不同背景變項高中職學生學習動機之差異情形。 本研究蒐集資料的方法係透過全國博碩士論文、國立臺灣師範大學博碩士論文及政治大學博碩士論文索引系統等資料庫系統進行檢索,總計符合本研究主題之實證研究共計27篇。運用Hedge與Olkin的運算技術,利用SPSS統計分析軟體計算加權平均效果量d+值,並採用「類別模式」尋找可能影響學生學習動機的中介變項。綜合歸納結果如下: 一、高中職學生學習動機不因學生性別及就讀年級而有所差異 二、公立學校學生學習動機略高於私立學校學生 三、高家庭社經地位學生學習動機略高於低家庭社經地位學生 四、不同教學方法對學生學習動機有顯著提升 五、學制類型及抽樣地區為影響不同性別學生學習動機之中介變項 本研究最後依據研究結果對教育行政單位、學術研究單位、學校教師、學生及後續研究提出若干點具體建議。The aim of this study was to synthesize the researches on senior high school students’ learning motivation in Taiwan. Here were the research steps. Firstly, specify the primary studies, which address senior high school students’ learning motivation. Next, describe the characteristics found in the synthesis population and constructing the research hypotheses. Finally, investigate the senior high school students with various background for their perception about students’ learning motivation. The researches were acquired from the NationalCentral Library Electronic Theses and Dissertations System、National Taiwan Normal University Electronic Theses and Dissertations System and National Chengchi University Electronic Theses and Dissertations System. After the collections of the 27 studies. The effect- sizes were calculated use SPSS statistical analysis software by Hedges and Olkin’s procedure. Furthermore, this study was tested all coded features by ‘Categorical Model’ to find out moderator variables. The followings were major results of this study: 1. There were no significant differences between males , females and grade level in students’ learning motivation. 2. The student's learning motivation of public school was higher than students of private school 3. The high family social-economic status was higher than the low family social-economic status to pass status students by position student's learning motivation 4. The different teaching methods improve student's learning motivation apparently. 5. The moderator variables of student's learning motivation between males and females were school system and sample area. Finally, some suggestions are provided for the associated administration institutes , the teachers, the students and for the future research.學習動機後設分析高中職學生MotivationMeta-analysisSenior High School Students我國高中職學生學習動機之後設分析研究A Meta-analysis of the Researches on Senior High School Students’ Learning Motivation in Taiwan