邱美虹Chiu, Mei-Hung張志康Chang, Chih-Kang2019-09-052009-7-232019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0893450030%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104731本研究以Vosniadou、Chi與diSessa (簡稱VCD) 的綜合理論建立「新-心智模式架構」,嘗試整合三位學者的觀點,從多元面向探討「影響概念改變的因素」及「心智模式的類型與演變」。研究目的主要是以VCD綜合理論探討學生概念運作的機制及其心智模式的一致性,並從分析結果中針對VCD的爭議,提出另一個思考的面向。此外,為了刺激學生們對力學概念的活化,研究者採用近十多年來科教界極力提倡的建模教學,分析不同建模教學對學生力學概念與建模能力之影響。在研究工具方面,本研究使用Ioannides& Vosniadou (2001)的「力學概念晤談測驗」,配合建模能力分析指標(邱美虹,2008;張志康與邱美虹,2009)所設計的「力學建模教學」與「力學建模能力測驗」,探究前述之研究目的。 本研究共分四個階段進行:第一階段,研究者分析學齡前、國小、國中與高中學生的力學心智模式架構,在各分層架構內的運作情況與連繫關係。研究結果顯示,(一)跨年級學生心智模式的來源源自「特定領域(Domain-specific)」的人數比例有隨年級的增加而逐漸增長的趨勢。(二)持有迷思預設的人數比例,有隨年級的增加而逐漸減少的趨勢。(三)概念使用的情況,有隨年級的增加而逐漸傾向過程屬性的趨勢。(四)心智模式的類別,有隨年級的增加而逐漸傾向科學模式的趨勢。(五)以全體學生來看,各分層架構間的連繫關係,其Φ相關值達顯著。 第二階段,研究者分析學生力學心智模式的穩定一致性。研究結果顯示,48名學生在未接受力學相關教學前後,其力學心智模式的穩定一致性為83%;此外,48名學生在力學概念晤談測驗各類試題中所使用的力學概念類別一致性為85%。因此,學生的心智模式具有一定程度的一致性,與Vosniadou的觀點相符。 第三階段,研究者分析學齡前、國小、國中與高中學生在經過電腦建模、類比建模與思考建模教學前後,其力學概念改變與建模能力提升的情形。研究結果顯示,(一)三種建模教學對於學生力學概念改變與建模能力的提升,都有顯著的效果(t力學概念=6.424, p力學概念<.01; t建模能力=11.795, p建模能力<.01)。(二)在力學概念改變方面,三種建模教學的效果無顯著差異,而跨年級學生的表現有顯著差異(p<.05),年級越高的學生,其後測表現越佳。(三)在建模能力提昇方面,以思考建模教學最差,而電腦與類比建模教學的效果與思考建模教學間達顯著差異(p<.05);而在跨年級學生的表現上,國中與高中學生其後測表現顯著優於國小與學齡前學生。因此,建模教學可促進學生的力學概念獲得更多的過程屬性,亦可提升學生的建模能力;唯不同年級與不同教學法間,仍有差異存在。 第四階段,研究者分析不同建模教學對跨年級學生力學概念與建模能力的影響。研究結果顯示,(一)電腦建模教學對於國小與國中學生力學概念改變的幫助較大,而對國中與高中學生建模能力的提升較佳。(二)類比建模教學對國小與高中學生力學概念改變的幫助較大,而對國中與高中學生建模能力的提升較佳。(三)思考建模教學對國中與高中學生力學概念改變的幫助較大,而對國中與高中學生建模能力的提升較佳。(四)三種建模教學對於學生力學概念的改變無顯著的差異,但對建模能力的提升有顯著的差異;其中,電腦與類比建模教學對跨年級學生均合適,而思考建模教學較適合於國中、高中學生。 綜上所述,以「新-心智模式架構」解釋概念運作的機制,不僅顧及多面向的研究結果,在實徵研究上亦可重新審視VCD等人的理論觀點,針對跨年級學生力學心智模式架構的差異情形進行多元的探討。此外,研究者基於建模能力分析指標,分析跨年級學生的各項建模能力,藉以探討不同年級學生經建模教學後的學習成效;結果發現,國中與高中學生建模能力的學習成效較佳,若能在中學課室中融入建模教學,將有助於學生們對力學概念的學習。This study proposed a “new framework of mental model” with integration of Vosniadou’s, Chi’s, and diSessa’s theories (VCD’s theory in short). Based on VCD’s theory, the main purpose is to use the “new framework of mental model” to analyze students’ conceptual operation and their consistency of mental models of the concepts of force. Moreover, in order to investigate students’ conceptions about force and their modeling abilities, the researcher adopted the questionnaire of diagnosing force concepts designed by Ioannides& Vosniadou (2001) and the questionnaire of force modeling ability proposed by Chiu (2007). The “Modeling Ability Analytic Index were adopted from Chang & Chiu (2009) for the purpose of identifying the students’ modeling ability. There are four stages in this study. Firstly, the researcher analyzed K-12 students’ frameworks of mental model of force concept (N=48). The research findings revealed that: (1) The percentage of cross-age students whose resources of mental model are from domain-specific became higher with increasing the grades of students. (2) The percentage of students who hold incorrect presupposition became lower with increasing the grades of students. (3) The percentage of students who use process concepts became higher with increasing the grades of students. (4) The percentage of students who hold scientific model became higher with increasing the grades of students. (5) For all participants, the correlational coefficient (Φ) is significant between each sub-framework (context, concept, and mental model). Secondly, the researcher analyzed students’ consistency of mental model of force concept. The research findings revealed that: before and after modeling instruction, 48 students had not learned the related concept of force, their consistency of mental model of force concept is 83%. Besides, 48 students’ categorical consistency of mental model of force concept is 85% when they responded each item in the questionnaire of force concept. Therefore, the 48 students’ mental model has high degree of consistency and the result is similar to Vosniadou’s view. Thirdly, the researcher analyzed K-12th students’ performance of force concept and modeling ability before and after computer-based, analogy-based, and thought experiment based modeling instructions. The research findings revealed that: (1) All instructions could improve students’ force concept and modeling ability significantly (tforce concept=6.424*; tmodeling ability=11.795*)。(2) There was no significant difference between three modeling instructions, but significant difference between each grade of students (p<.05). Besides, the post-test score became higher with increasing the grade of students. (3) The worst is thought experiment based modeling instruction, and the effect is significant difference (p<.05) between computer-based (or analogy-based) and thought experiment based modeling instruction. Besides, 7-12 grade students’ post-test score is higher than K-6 grade students significantly (p<.05). Therefore, modeling instruction could not only improve students to get more process concept of force,but also promote students’ modeling ability. However, there are some difference between cross grades and three modeling instructions. Finally, the researcher analyzed the effect of cross-age students’ force concept and modeling abilities with different modeling instructions. The research findings revealed that: (1) The computer-based modeling instruction was helpful for 1st-9th grade students to get conceptual change of force, and to promote 7th-12th grade students’ modeling ability more obviously. (2) The analogy-based modeling instruction was helpful for 1st-6th and 10th-12th grade students to get conceptual change of force, and promote 7th-12th grade students’ modeling ability more obviously. (3) The thought experiment based modeling instruction was helpful for 7th-12th grade students to get conceptual change of force, and promote their modeling ability more obviously. (4) There was no significant difference for students’ conceptual change of force between three modeling instructions, but a significant difference existing for promoting students’ modeling ability. In sum, exploring students’ process of conceptual operation with “new framework of mental model” can not only get multi-facet research findings, but also can re-test the VCD’s theory in empirical research that will explain the difference between different grade students with multi-facets. In addition, based on “Modeling Ability Analytic Index”, the researcher analyzed modeling ability in all stages for different grade students to discuss the performance of modeling ability after they got modeling related instruction. The result revealed that 7th-12th grade students’ performance of modeling ability is better than K-6th grade students. If teachers use the modeling approach in their classroom teaching, students might be able to get better learning for force concept.概念改變模型心智模式建模能力conceptual changemodelmental modelmodeling ability從概念改變理論探究建模教學對學生力學心智模式與建模能力之影響