林逢祺Lin, Ferng-Chyi黃鈺婷Huang, Yu-Ting2019-08-282019-06-242019-08-282019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060400026E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89666佛洛姆(E. Fromm, 1900-1980)為世界著名的人本主義哲學家和精神分析心理學家,其著作鼓勵人們勇於追求自我、強調愛的藝術,並相信人類的獨立自主能力及實踐自我的價值。本研究期望透過佛洛姆的生命情態論分析臺灣教育所展現的強烈占有型生命情態,進而找出教育問題的解決之道,促使教育回歸本質。 本研究以佛洛姆重要著作《生命的展現》(To have or to be?) 為主要的分析文本,並輔以佛洛姆的其他學術著作及其生長背景進行探討。研究方法使用概念分析法與教育詮釋學,析論佛洛姆所謂「占有型生命情態」(Mode of having)與「存有型生命情態」(Mode of being)的內涵,最後以佛洛姆的生命情態論來剖析現今臺灣社會的教育問題。分以下三個面向討論: 1.父母對於孩子的占有型與存有型的生命情態。 2.教師對於孩子的占有型與存有型的生命情態。 3.現行教育政策面的占有型與存有型的生命情態。 筆者以前述三個面向探討臺灣教育的存有問題,希冀以佛洛姆的生命情態論的介紹能有助於改變為人父母者之教育觀念以及教師之教學態度,進而促使教育展現本質意義。期望透過佛洛姆之存有理論的啟發,使教育更全面發展,走向「存有型生命情態」的孕育。相信成人若能以「存有型生命情態」中開闊的心胸思考孩子真正所需,便能讓孩子回歸自我。存有型生命情態的教育能夠擔綱孩子成長的重要角色,使孩子培養獨立思考與解決問題的能力。教育若能打造更開放、寬闊的人文空間,就有機會成就孩子獨特的生命情態。E. Fromm (1900-1980) is a world-renowned humanistic philosopher and psychoanalytic psychologist. His work encourages people to pursue themselves, to find the art of loving, to believe in the independence of human and human self-worth. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ideology of Taiwan's education from the theory of E. Fromm, and find out a solution that can make Taiwan’s education return to its essence. This study explores the important work of E. Fromm, "To have or to be?", also analyzes the background of Fromm’s thought. The research methods of this study are conceptual analysis and educational hermeneutics. After analyzing the meaning and value of ‘the mode of having’ and ‘the mode of being’, this study uses Fromm’s view on modes of existence to clarify the problems of Taiwan’s education from three aspects: 1.Parents’ modes of existence. 2.Teachers’ modes of existence. 3.Modes of existence in education policies of Taiwan. From the analysis of those three aspects mentioned above, the tendency of leaning on “the mode of having” in Taiwan's education is exposed, and the need to correct this bias is discussed. Finally, this study gives Taiwan’s education some advices. A change of the thought of parents and teachers is needed, so that children can really explore and learn from the world independently. It is argued that adults have to uphold the spirit of ‘the mode of being’ to understand what children truly need and to trust that children will find themselves. Education upholding ‘the mode of being’ can play its essential role that can let children have the ability to think and to solve problems on their own. To summarize, this study asserts to broaden education in humanistic ways in order that every child can have their unique and proper modes of existence.佛洛姆存有占有生命情態論教育E. Frommthe mode of beingthe mode of havingmodes of Existenceeducation佛洛姆(E. Fromm)生命情態論及其在教育上的蘊義Erich Fromm's View on Modes of Existence and Its Implications for Education