信世昌Hsin, Shih-Chang吳馥如Wu, Fu-Ju2019-08-282008-08-012019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693240011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86376語言學習之目的在與人溝通互動,而溝通互動的基本條件為相互理解。本研究旨在探討交際溝通會話課型的設計與運作,並從中得出實際規劃操作此類課程時所應注意的方向,以期日後有更周詳的設計方案,且將交際溝通會話課程納為正規課程。 本文從交際溝通能力的定義出發,而以Scollon and Scollon(1995)與Sacks,Schegloff and Jefferson(1974)等學者的會話結構分析理論,以及李曉琪(2006)與呂必松(1997,2000)等華語教學界資深學者對於口語教學之觀點為基礎,結合5C(美國外語教學標準)、CLT(溝通交際式語言教學法,Communicative Language Teaching)等重要理論,以上述為本研究教學設計之理論架構,並透過對口語課的現況瞭解、學習者於交際溝通會話課程上的需求分析,以及教學者對此課程的見解,整理分析所得結果為教學設計之總體方向。 本文主要研究方法為資料蒐集與行動研究。在需求分析方面採資料蒐集法,以觀摩方式記錄口語課堂教學實況,並透過師生訪談瞭解其對交際溝通課程的看法與需求。在資料蒐集過程中,筆者發現封閉式的課堂與真實的目標語環境存在落差,此現象不僅存在於教材對話與真實會話間,也反映在師生的課堂口頭互動和教學重點上。另外,歸納整理出學生對於真實會話的需求後,便結合文獻探討與資料分析結果,進行教學設計與驗證,以課堂回饋表與課後訪談所得結果進行成效評估與檢討,提出改進與後續研究之道。 教學實證發現:學生對於教學活動中「真實會話的分析」一項皆給予高度肯定與評價,認為透過此方法能更以學術角度深入瞭解、並進一步系統化掌握目標語的表達方式,顯示真實會話進入課堂教學的可行性;同時,「討論」形式的課堂活動支持度明顯高出於短劇或情境對話的語言實踐活動,也說明了從「教」與「學」不同視角出發的評估差異性。課程規劃方面,提出功能大綱分類的理據憑依重要性;另外,從「教」與「學」的兩種視角,皆肯定了交際溝通會話課程於不同語言程度的開課必要。筆者於篇末亦提出初級課程與高級課程的後續研究發展性。The target of language learning is to communicate with people, and the basic condition of communication is to understand each other. This study investigates the design and implementation of communicative conversation course, and considers the direction of classroom teaching. The purpose of this study is to conclude a complete course scheme and bring the communicative conversation course into a regular course syllabus. This study is based on communicative competence, and analyzes references on conversation structures such as Scollon and Scollon(1995), Sacks, Schegloff and Jefferson(1974), and also references some papers on oral Mandarin teaching. It combines some important second language learning theories to outline the design frame. Meanwhile, this study observes oral Mandarin classes, investigates learners’ needs in communicative conversation courses, and interviews instructors. The course design is based on data integration and data analysis, and the conclusion relates to course implementation and feedback tools. The data show that it exits certain gap between class language and real language, which is not only found in “text dialogues” and “authentic conversation”, but also found in the interactions between instructors and students and intructors’ teaching points. This gap is what our course try to leap over. This study shows that all participants give high evaluation to the “analysis on authentic conversation” and agree that this learning method helps them better understand expressions in their target language. This discovery shows the feasibility of teaching authentic conversation in class. Furthermore, “discussion” is more popular than other language activities such as skit playing or situational conversation design. These discoveries reflect the evaluation deference between the view of “to teach” and of “to learn”, and shows the necessary and importance of opening communicative conversation courses for deferent levels.華語教學交際溝通功能大綱真實會話教學設計teaching Chinese as second languagecommunicativefunctional syllabusauthentic conversationcourse design中級華語交際溝通會話課程之設計與實證An Intermediate CSL Communicative Conversation Course: The Design and Implementation