甄曉蘭陳詩涵Chen, Shih-Han2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505002205%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89562本研究運用表達性藝術做為媒材,使用肢體活動、劇場遊戲、戲劇及繪畫等方式帶領學生進行自我覺察與接納的探索,探討運用表達性藝術融入於國中七年級輔導活動課程實施情形以及學生自我概念之轉變情況。 本研究採用行動研究法,以研究者任教之國中七年級17位學生為研究對象,以表達性藝術融入輔導活動課程之中,進行為期六週,每週一堂輔導活動課45分鐘的教學實施。透過課堂觀察記錄、教學省思、學生學習單、學生回饋表,以及訪談資料等進行研究結果分析。 本研究結果發現如下: 一、表達性藝術融入輔導活動課程讓學生有機會探索自我。 二、表達性藝術融入輔導活動課程有助於提升學生參與動機與學習滿意度。 三、表達性藝術融入輔導活動課程能提升學生的自我覺察與自我接納。 四、多數學生能透過冥想儀式安定自我。This study aimed to integrate various expressive arts, such as physical movements, theater games, and paintings into Counseling Activity to help students explore their self-awareness and self-acceptance. Then, the researcher adopted action research to investigate the effectiveness of the teacher’s teaching and the change of the students’ self-concept. The researcher collected qualitative information from 17 seventh-grade students in junior high during the Counseling Activity. The instruction was conducted for six weeks, one session per week. Each session consisted of 45 minutes. The researcher collected qualitative data through classroom observation, the researcher’s reflections, worksheets, students’ feedback, and interviews. The results of the study are as follows: 1.Integrating expressive arts into Counseling Activity provides students with opportunities to explore themselves. 2.Integrating expressive arts into Counseling Activity helps improve students’ motivation and learning satisfaction. 3.Integrating expressive arts into Counseling Activity can improve students’ self-awareness and self-acceptance. 4.Most students are able to settle themselves through the ceremony of expressive arts.表達性藝術輔導活動自我概念Expressive ArtCounseling ActivitySelf-concept表達性藝術融入輔導活動課程對提升國中生自我概念之探究An Action Research on Integrating Expressive Arts into Counseling Activity to Improve Junior High School Students’ Self-concept