林靜萍Lin, Ching-Ping陳履賢Chen, Lu-Hsien2023-12-082023-10-182023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ecada5e57a77e8bdaf017828497ac5d0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121488目的:體育教學師生互動的發展脈絡、互動行為內涵受限於體育教學的變化複雜性,而無法清楚的呈現其權力互動的本質與發展脈絡,因此本研究旨在瞭解體育教學師生互動的發展脈絡、互動行為與理論架構方法:本研究透過個案研究,以SSG狀態空間網格、預建式、紮根取向等方法分別解決體育課師生互動權力關係之發展脈絡、行為內涵、理論結構等三個問題。結果:一、新生班級與體育教師之間的權力發展脈絡呈現觀察期、磨合期、穩定期的發展脈絡。二、體育課師生間權力行為意涵的部分則有身體能力差異化、英雄主義追求化、體育權力關係之建立、體育規範與制度化、運動文化下的合理化等五個面向。三、當主體間的關係建立,會依據能力差別抉擇出主導者與從屬者,最後透過主體間的相互作用產生空間的範疇,而空間則會因外在因子運動項目的改變而重新進行關係的建立。結論:一、師生間透過權力行為進行試探瞭解是必經的歷程。二、權力行為的運用更能提升學生學習效率與培養社會化能力的應對方式。三、身體是權力的核心,而建構的空間會受到因子的介入而產生改變。建議:一、師生間應盡快增進彼此的瞭解,加速渡過磨合的試探期,更快的營造出良善的互動環境與關係。二、教師可妥善的運用權力行為,進而提升學生間參與活動與提升技能表現的效率。三、未來研究可針對複數權力空間的互動作用與關係,擴大理論的深度。Purpose: The developmental context and behavioral connotations of teacher-student interactions in physical education are limited by the complexity of physical education, and the nature and developmental context of power interactions cannot be clearly presented. The study addressed three issues: the developmental context, behavioral connotation, and theoretical structure of teacher-student interaction and power relationship in physical education classes. The results: a. The development of the power relationship between the freshman class and the physical education teachers showed a developmental pattern of observation period, integration period, and stability period. The power behavior connotation between teachers and students in physical education classes has five aspects: physical ability differentiation, heroism pursuit, establishment of physical education power relationship, physical education regulation and institutionalization, and rationalization under sports culture. When the relationship between the subjects is established, the dominant and subordinate will be chosen according to their differential abilities, and finally the space will be created through the interaction between the subjects, and the space will be re-established due to the change of the external factor sports. Conclusion: 1. It is a necessary process for teachers and students to try to understand each other through power behavior. The use of power behavior can enhance students' learning efficiency and develop socialization skills. (3) The body is the core of power, and the constructed space will be changed by the intervention of factors. Suggestions: 1. Teachers and students should improve their understanding of each other as soon as possible to speed up the trial and error period and create a good interactive environment and relationship more quickly. Teachers can use their power to enhance the efficiency of students' participation and skills performance. (3) Futureresearch can expand the depth of theories on the interaction and relationship of plural power space.Foucault知識權力學生中心權力行為紮根理論Foucault's knowledge powerstudent-centerednesspower behaviorrootedness theory空間與時間-體育教學師生互動之權力關係Space and Time – Power Relationships in Physical Education Teacher – Student Interactionetd