莊連東Chuang, Lien-Tung洪民裕Hung, Min-yu2020-12-102020-08-202020-12-102015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060060010T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114578本研究筆者透過高雄氣爆事件衍生出居住安全之問題,環境變遷導致工業化及都市化的興盛,引發人類與自然環境的疏離,進而產生人心的陌生及恐懼。人格面具是探討人往內心尋找一個現實理想世界,在虛擬異獸中於神話色彩有關聯性,或許是人們所製造一個自我神話。 當藝術創作者建立一個理想烏托邦桃花園的世界,反應出現實不能滿足需求,透過藝術的手法,進行一個社會批判,因社會沉淪,外在環境壞死,建立現實的手法,來營造一個超脫現實的世界。 為求創作目的,筆者嘗試多元媒材的建構,在圖像中,筆者運用不同的現存物去營造視覺的怪異性與趣味性,在畫面中,可增加豐富度,並用一種複合表現方式的手法,以表現圖像的變體、重疊、異質同構、嫁接等混種異獸的視覺效果,來傳遞筆者內在一種異想世界的思維與情感,並期待轉化為自我的世界。This study aims at exploring the safety problems of living due to the author’s experiencing the gas explosion in Kaohsiung, a change of environment leading to the rise of industrialization and urbanization, the alienation of man from natural environment, furthermore creating strangeness and fear in man. A personality mask is exploring the inner heart to seek a real ideal world, a connection with the mythological color of the virtual animals, or a self-mythology created by man. When an artistic creator builds an ideal utopia, a Chinese utopian Tao-hua-yuan world, reflecting the fact that reality cannot satisfy our needs, and through artistic technique undergoes a social criticism. Because of social decline and destruction of outside environment, we establish a practical technique to create a transcendental world. For seeking creative purpose, this author has tried multi-media construction. In the image, this author makes use of different stuff to create strangeness and interest in sight and sin the picture, to increase its richness, use a compound way of display to express a new style, a reduplication, a different quality of the same construction and marriage, etc. of image, the sight effect of a hybrid, a mixture of different styles, to transmit the different thoughts and feelings of a different world inside the author and expect to change it into my self world.烏托邦桃花源混種UtopiaChinese utopia Tao-hua-yuan worlda hybrid形轉意變-洪民裕創作論述Connection Between Transfiguration and Image Creation Descriptions of Hung Min-yu