國立臺灣師範大學教育學系唐淑華甄曉蘭劉美慧2014-12-022014-12-022010-12-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38674本研究企圖探討透過多文本課外閱讀的方式是否能有效幫助國中七年級學生增進其對歷史主題的意義建構、情意態度的建立與認知學習的成效。研究分三階段進行。第一階段採用訪談法與觀察法,目的在了解目前歷史科老師對課外閱讀的想法及其在教學上的困境;本階段亦將針對某幾個較具爭議性的主題,進行教室觀察,藉以了解國中歷史科老師的教學方式。第二階段採內容分析法,以了解目前教師手冊中所提供的延伸閱讀內容是否與教材內容有足夠的關聯程度,同時亦針對第一階段之主題,以了解目前市面上正在流通的青少年讀物有哪些可供本研究實驗之用。第三階段則採實驗法,以瞭解多文本課外閱讀對歷史學習的實驗效果。本研究完成後,除了能更清楚了解課外閱讀與學習遷移之間的關係之外,亦希望建立一套選擇課外書的機制,以作為未來歷史科老師在開列推薦書單時的參考。本研究第二年預計進入教學場域,並與現場老師進行協同行動研究,以實際教導學生統整與使用多文本閱讀。此外,亦將採單一樣本實驗方式,針對幾位在歷史科學習上成效不佳的國中學生進行補救教學,以了解「多文本課外閱讀」除了可應用在一般教學之外,是否也可用於補救教學。The purpose of the present study is to explore how seventh-grade students can benefit from reading multiple texts on controversial topics in History. Based on the research framework of Kintsch’s Construction-Integration Model and Zarnowski’s five criteria in Sense Making of History, this project will use trade books and adolescent literature as multiple sources of further reading to study history. The reading activity of K-W-L-A will be adopted. The study will compare the construction of meaning from reading textbook plus trade books chosen to enrich the textbook, and reading textbook plus books generally recommended for seventh graders in the school. The study will also interview history teachers, and analyze the coherence between the textbook, the teacher’s manual, and the trade books. By depicting a clearer relation between multiple texts and history learning (including gaining in content knowledge as well as in disciplinary knowledge), the study will have implications for theories of reading comprehension for multiple texts, and for the design and choice of instructional materials in history.多文本閱讀課外閱讀歷史科學習成效意義建構透過閱讀學習multiple textmaking sense of historyread to learnsocial studiestrade book閱讀研究議題七Reading Comprehension Strategies in Linking Information from Multple Texts「開卷有益」?社會學習領域多文本閱讀之意義建構---以歷史科為例(I)The Effect of Multiple Texts on Making Sense of History Learning