陳美燕Chen, Mei-Yen蔡明玲Tsai, Ming-Ling2020-10-192025-09-092020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0007312106%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111788政府推估在2025年台灣社會將達到超高齡社會標準 (國家發展委員會,2020)。依據國人旅遊狀況調查 (交通部觀光局 [觀光局],2019) 國內旅遊人數在2018年已達1.7億人次,在團體旅遊旅次中發現60歲以上佔52%,成為團體旅遊的藍海。樂齡族有可自由支配的時間、積蓄和健康觀念,是旅遊業的重要市場,因此本研究目的在瞭解樂齡族參與國內旅遊情形,分析不同性別、年齡與教育程度之樂齡族在參與國內旅遊時所需服務需求、選擇因素與行為意圖間之差異性與相關性。本研究對象為曾參加國內團體旅遊的60歲以上樂齡族,採立意抽樣問卷調查方式,計有效問卷400份。研究工具包括旅遊服務需求、選擇因素、行為意圖等量表以及重要程度與表現程度分析法,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、典型相關分析及重要度與表現度雙軸分析,進行資料處理與問題探究。結果發現樂齡族旅遊以女性為多;職業 (退休前或現職) 以家庭主婦、軍公教為主;兩年內參團旅遊7次以上佔27%;親友告知為最主要旅遊資訊來源。其次,不同性別、年齡與教育程度樂齡族在參與國內旅遊方式之選擇因素與行為意圖間均無差異;而在服務需求、選擇因素與行為意圖之間則有相關性。在服務需求IPA雙軸分析結果,樂齡族對於環境構面的公共設施、資訊和標誌的提供及住宿構面的人員服務、房間設備是給予肯定的;而對交通相關項目無論是動線、選擇多樣性或便利性均期待優先改善;普遍覺得風景區在住宿及餐飲方面價格過高,供應品質還可再提升。本研究建議旅遊服務提供者多瞭解樂齡族旅遊特性與服務需求,可以就族群間探討的熱門話題設計旅遊行程及提供超乎期待的旅遊服務。The government estimates that Taiwanese society will reach the super senior society standard by 2025 (National Development Committee, 2020). According to the National Tourism Survey (Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 2019), the number of domestic tourists has reached 170 million in 2018, 52% of group tourist is over 60 years old, making it a blue ocean in group travel. The senior who have the free time, savings and health, are an important market for tourism. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to comprehend the situation of the senior attending for domestic travel; to analyze the differences and correlations between service demands, selection factors and behavioral intention of senior of different genders, ages and educational levels when attending for domestic travel. According to the data collected from 400 valid questionnaires by senior citizens aged over 60 years old who have ever attended group tour, and data performed by descriptive statistics, independent-samples t test, one way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and canonical correlation analysis, importance and performance analysis. The results of this study show that senior travel is dominated by female; occupations are mainly housewives, and government staff; 27% of them have attending for group tours more than 7 times within last two years; Most of them main source of tourism information is relatives and friends. There are no significant differences in the selection factors and behavior intentions of the senior with different genders, ages and education levels in attending for domestic tourism. However, there are significant correlations between service demand, selection factors and behavior intention. Based on the IPA biaxial analysis results of service demand, the senior give affirmation to the public facilities of the environmental aspect, the provision of information and signs, and the personnel services and room equipment of the accommodation aspect; while for traffic route or choice diversity or convenience are expected to be given priority for improvement; it is generally felt that the scenic areas are overpriced for accommodation and catering, and the quality of supply can be further improved. This study suggests that tourism service providers can arrange special itineraries and provide more than expected tourism services according to the tourism characteristics of the senior.旅遊產品重要程度與表現程度分析(IPA)銀光經濟團體旅遊自助旅遊tourism productsimportance-performance analysis(IPA)the longevity economygroup travelindividual travel樂齡族參與國內旅遊服務需求、選擇因素與行為意圖之研究Study on the Service Demands, Selection Factors and Behavioral Intention of the Senior Attending for the Domestic Travel