簡馨瑩Hsin-Ying Chien2014-10-272014-10-272010-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13200本研究冒在探討「提問策略教學」訓練課程對六名臺北市國小教師於教師與學生的提問次數、師生互動的類型與教學序列結構等三個面向的影響。 研究結果顯示,教師於前述三個觀察面向上並無顯著的改變。學生向教師的發話行為在後測的教學攝影時,顯著地多於「介入期」學生同儕間的互動行為於「介入後」及「介入期」階段顯著地多於「介入前」次數百分比,但是,教師班級經營的次數亦隨之增加。本研究採取錄影與序列分析的方法驗證在教室裡的師生互動與教學序列結構的變化情形,為教學與互動研究開拓新的研究取向。 基於以上研究提出若干建議,可做為改進師生互動的性質與教學研究之參考。The study aims to analyze teacher-pupil interaction and sequential structures of instruction in a literacy classes. The subjects are six elementary-school teachers. The analysis shows that teachers observed in the first video-taped session adhere to teacher-centered, vertical instruction; while instructional sequence is a typical order from teacher initiation, student response to teacher evaluation or feedback. The frequency percentage in peer interaction varies widely between “pretestintervention" and “pretest-posttest" stages. In terms of sequential structures, as teachers apply different strategies, self-questioning and self-response behaviors increase significantly; implementation of methods of classroom management increases. The study uses videos and sequential analysis to indentify the changes in sequential structures in a classroom setting, so as to provide new research directions for teaching and classroom interaction. It is hoped that suggestions based on the above analysis will be used to help improve teacher-pupil interaction and teaching instruction.師生互動序列分析教學結構錄影分析teacher-pupil interactionsequential analysisstructures of instructionvideo analysis學生提問策略教學對教室裡師生互動與教學序列結構之影響研究An Analytical Study on Teacher-pupil Interaction and Sequential Structures of Instruction in Literacy Classes