林幸台劉忠讓2019-08-282015-8-282019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699170074%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89404本研究主要想瞭解大專聽障生人際行為和生活品質的現況,並分析大專聽障生個人背景變項、人際行為和生活品質之間的關係,探討這些變項對其生活品質的預測力。根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以其有助於聽障生、學校、家庭、社會福利行政單位或其他相關研究工作者對於大專聽障生的輔導或安置等,提供後續研究的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,邀請台灣地區29所大專校院之資源教室,研究對象為大專聽障生採取方便取樣,共有159份有效問卷。研究工具為「基本資料」、「人際行為量表」和「臺灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷」。依據問卷回收資料與統計結果所得,以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、階層多元迴歸,將本研究的主要發現簡述如下: 一、目前大專聽障生在人際行為上,其關係量尺和肯定量尺平均數高於與一般生常模團體。 二、不同家庭經濟之大專聽障生在人際行為上有顯著差異,大專聽障生家庭經濟狀況較不佳,則其人際行為表現較不佳。 三、大專聽障生在生活品質因就讀地區的不同而有顯著差異,北部地區生活品質情形上比就讀南部地區感受較好。 四、大專聽障生在生活品質因就讀校制不同而有顯著差異,就讀大學之生活品質低於技術學院之生活品質分數。 五、大專聽障生在生活品質因就讀溝通方式不同而有顯著差異,使用單純口語之生活品質高於使用綜合溝通之生活品質分數。 六、大專聽障生的生活品質因其家庭互動程度、家庭經濟狀況不同而有顯著差異,結果顯示,清寒以下之聽障生家庭其生活品質滿意度較不佳。 七、人際行為各層面與生活品質各層面的相關,皆達相關顯著。 八、就讀地區、家庭互動關係、家庭經濟狀況、人際行為之肯定量尺能有效預測其生活品質。The study aims to understand the current situation of the interpersonal behavior and quality of life in college students with hearing impairments. To analyze the relationship between personal background variables, interpersonal behaviors, quality of life, and the predictive power of the quality of life in college students with hearing impairments. Finally according to the research findings, some suggestions are provided to help counsel and arrange the college students with hearing impairments, and relative school, families, social welfare administrative units and research workers’ future studies. The study adopts questionnaire survey method, which invites 29 resource rooms of college in Taiwan. Research objects are college students with hearing impairments by convenience sampling. The number of effective samples is 159. The instruments used in this study include Basic Background Questionnaire, Interpersonal Behavior Survey, WHOQOL-BREF. According to the data on questionnaires and the statistical results. The collected responses of participants are analyzed by statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, hierarchical regression, etc. The main findings are described as follows: 1.Mean of the relationship scales and assertiveness scales in college students with hearing impairments is higher than norm groups in interpersonal behavior. 2.The difference is significant in interpersonal behaviors between family economy in college students with hearing impairments. The college students with poor family economy show poor performance of interpersonal behavior. 3.There is statistically significant difference in quality of life about school district in college students with hearing impairments. The mean of northern region is better than southern region in the quality of life. 4.There is significant difference in quality of life about university system in college students with hearing impairments. The mean of attended university is lower than institute of technology in the quality of life. 5.There is significant difference in quality of life about communication in college students with hearing impairments. The mean of using simple spoken language is higher than integrated communication in the quality of life. 6. There is significant difference in quality of life about family interactions and family economy in college students with hearing impairments. Satisfaction of the quality of life under the poor family is worse. 7.There are significant correlations between the interpersonal behavior and quality of life. 8.School district, family interactions, family economy, and assertiveness scales of interpersonal behavior survey can effectively predict the quality of life in college students with hearing impairments.大專聽障生人際行為生活品質college students with hearing impairmentsinterpersonal behaviorquality of life大專聽障生人際行為與生活品質之相關研究The study of interpersonal behavior and quality of life in college students with hearing impairments.