呂清夫Ching Fu LU施耘心Yun-shin SHY2020-12-102009-2-172020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094603324%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114922新媒體藝術作品身為當代藝術作品中的一環,在2003年~2007年這銷售市場火紅的五年當中,亦成為拍賣市場注意的新型買賣對象。本研究將中港台之拍賣成績整理,找出曾被搜羅至拍場之新媒體藝術作品,並以文獻分析、深度訪問、個案研究法來羅列出於拍賣市場成交成功之關鍵要素,並為後續研究提出建議。在這五年當中,26件作品雖然數量不算多,但卻是在每年的拍場中,皆會出現的新媒體類項,證明新媒體藝術作品是有其發展潛力,並受到市場注意。但有鑒於作品收藏型態與藏家對「獨一無二」的觀念執著,尚需要時間與智慧去處理,面對數位藝術的蓬勃創作量,相對之下能夠進拍場獲得佳績的,仍是少數中的少數。本研究特此提出三項結論,以對新媒體藝術的看法、對畫廊而言、以作品而言三個方面分別說明New media art is one of the contemporary arts. From 2003 to 2007, the fevered five-year in auction market, new media art has also become the new target in such market. This research will find out the new media art auction records in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan market, and adopt research methods include literature analysis, in-depth interview, and case study, to collect the key elements in successful auction, and provide suggestion to further researches. From 2003 to 2007, although the research only find 26 pieces new media art works in auction market, the item kept listed in the categories each year. This proved that the new media arts are potential works in auction market and have gained much attention. However, comparing with flourishing digital arts works, very few new media art works are highly valued in auction market so far. This may due to art collect types and the collectors’ specific “unique” focus toward their art works. This research will address conclusions from three aspects, including the concept of new media arts, view of galleries, and views of works.新媒體藝術拍賣市場蘇富比佳士德畫廊創作媒材數位輸出影像new media artauctionSothebyChristiesgallerymaterialdigital image2003年至2007年台灣新媒體藝術於拍賣市場成交成功關鍵要素之研究The research of the key elements in successful auction dealing with Taiwan new media art works from 2003 to 2007