陳秀溶王國華蔡顯麞Hsiu-Jung Chen, Kuo-Hua Wang, Hsien-Chang Tsai2022-05-162022-05-162021-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115961本研究以專家知識結構為基礎發展學習進程及其評估。研究過程分成二部分,首先利用內容分析法了解不同版本教科書「直線運動」概念排序、運用調查法得知專家教師的教材知識架構,並參考相關文獻找出概念排序情形,綜合上述資料提出假設性學習進程模型。其次以Q矩陣理論發展7題有效試題,正式施測學生樣本數共1,913 人,並運用語義結構分析法分析學生的試題反應,檢驗所提出的假設性學習進程模型。研究結果共歸納出29個假設性學習進程,分析發現其中有5個與受試學生答題反應所呈現出的知識架構相關係數高達1.0,其中涵蓋所有研究概念且概念階層性最完整的就屬模型12-1。基於研究結果,本研究針對教科書的編排、教學、認知診斷及學習進程的發展提出建議。The main purpose of this study is to evaluate a model of developing learning progressions based on the knowledge structures of experts and to evaluate its feasibility. There are two steps of the model. First, the study conducted "content analysis" to analyze the concept of the "linear motion" in the three versions of junior high school Science and Technology textbooks. In addition, the study conducted a "survey" to explore experts' concept structures and referred to the relevant literature to find out the classification of the concepts. Based on the above information, the study proposed 29 hypothetical learning progressions. Second, we used Q-matrix theory to produce the effective item tools. A total of 1913 students were examined. The research results summed up a total of 29 hypothetical learning processes, and the analysis found that 5 of them have a correlation coefficient of 1.0 as high as the knowledge structure presented by the students' response to the questions. The model that covers all research concepts and has the most complete conceptual hierarchy is the model. 12-1. Based on the above findings, this study provides suggestions for the "linear motion" in the textbook layout, teaching, cognitive diagnosis and learning progression development models.直線運動語義結構分析學習進程linear motionsemantic structure analysislearning progressions以專家知識結構為基礎發展學習進程及評估──以國三「直線運動」單元為例Development of Learning Progressions and Assessment Based on the Knowledge Structures of Experts - Take the Unit of "Linear Motion" for the Ninth Graders for Example