黃美筠黃俊翔2019-08-282017-6-252019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599073112%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88524本研究旨在探討將研究者所設計之「風險管理與保險」領域的理財教育課程融入國中課程教學後,對學生理財素養所產生之影響。本研究採行動研究之方式,針對研究者所任教的學校,進行融入教材的嘗試。期望透過該課程的實施,能使學生將相關概念運用於實際生活中,亦可讓其他教師作為參考依據,並且針對實施過程中在學校環境裡可能出現的問題,提出建設性意見。 本研究共挑選七、八年級各兩個班級作為研究參與對象,實施為期四週共七節課的教學,將理財教材結合多元的教學策略後,在社會學習領域公民科當中實施,並且由原授課教師擔任協同合作教師,進行觀察紀錄和錄影。研究者在課程開始前以自編之「國中學生風險管理與保險調查問卷」對學生進行問卷前測,結束後進行後測,作為統計考驗的基礎,來得知學生於接受理財課程之後,理財素養是否有所提升。最後在理財課程結束後,對若干學生以及協同合作教師進行訪談,以瞭解其對於本次教學之回饋與建議。 根據研究發現,歸納本研究結論如下: 一、理財教育「風險管理與保險」領域的理財課程內容之檢視 本研究主要目的是要探討研究者所設計的「風險管理與保險」領域的理財教育課程在國中階段實施的情況,經本次行動研究發現: (一)本課程須與現行國中教材作更緊密的整合。 (二)學生對教材內容接受度高,惟保險的種類與生活經驗較難連結。 二、理財教育「風險管理與保險」領域的理財課程實施成效 (一)學生之理財素養在接受理財課程後皆有顯著的提升。 (二)影響理財課程實施成效之原因包括授課的先後順序、課程實施的時間安排以及先備知識的有無。 三、學生對於本次理財課程的學習經驗與回饋 (一)大多數學生認為課程有趣又實用,抱持正向的看法。 (二)少數學生認為部分理財概念偏難,搭配生活實例較能理解。 四、協同合作教師對於本次理財課程的建言 (一)教學策略的應用須能有效提升學生學習動機。 (二)教學活動設計應強調生活實用性。 (三)理財課程可與現行國中教材內容作搭配。 (四)實施理財教育的困境為時間不足。The purpose of this action research is to explore the effects of an integrated financial curriculum -“the Field of Risk Management and Insurance” designed by the researcher into the instructions of junior high school on students. It hopes that those lessons designed in this research can help students put the concepts into practice in real life and recommend suggestions concerning issues that occur during the implementation process in the school as references for other teachers. In this study, the researcher selects each of the two classes from Grade Seven and Eight as research objects, and teaches them the seven financial lessons in four weeks by using diversified teaching strategies into Social Learning Field. The original course teachers who act as collaborative teachers observe and record the teaching process. To know whether the students’ financial literacy improves after the curriculum, the researcher conducts pre- and post-tests to students with self-designed “Junior High School Students’ Risk Management and Insurance Questionnaire” as the basis of statistical tests before the curriculum begins. In the end, the researcher interviews students and collaborative teachers to obtain some feedbacks and suggestions for the teaching. Results are generalized as follows: 1.Viewing the contents of the financial curriculum -“the Field of Risk Management and Insurance” (1)The curriculum has to be closely integrated with the current teaching materials. (2)Students graded highly about the contents of the teaching materials. However, it is more difficult to link the types of insurance with the life experience. 2.The effectiveness of the financial curriculum -“the Field of Risk Management and Insurance” (1)Students’ financial literacy has significantly improved after receiving the financial curriculum. (2)Factors that affect the effectiveness of the financial curriculum include the instructions in the sequence, the timing of the curriculum implementation and prior knowledge. 3.Students’ learning experience and feedbacks for the financial curriculum (1)Most of the students find the curriculum interesting and useful and hold positive views. (2)Minority students consider part of financial concepts more difficult, but they can understand them better with examples in daily lives. 4.The suggestions of collaborative teachers for the financial curriculum (1)The applications of teaching strategies have to improve students’ motivation effectively. (2)The instruction activities should be designed to emphasize practical life. (3)The financial curriculum can be combined with the current teaching materials. (4)The difficulty to implement financial education is lack of time.理財素養理財教育風險管理與保險financial literacyfinancial educationrisk management and insurance理財教育「風險管理與保險」領域融入國中課程教學之行動研究An action research to integrate the financial curriculum -“the Field of Risk Management and Insurance” into the instruction of junior high school