潘裕豐林雅琪2019-08-282011-7-42019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096902110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88893本研究旨在依據編製的「探索教育活動方案」作為實驗教材,探討此方案對提升國中資優生的創造力和領導才能的成效。本研究採準實驗研究法,研究樣本取自台北市某兩所國中七年級數理資優學生共63人為研究對象,測驗工具為「威廉斯創造性思考活動」、「領導技能問卷」和「陶倫斯創造思考活動圖形版甲式」,分析探討接受「探索教育活動方案」十二次的實驗組共29人,與未接受方案的控制組共34人,在實驗結束後,根據兩組測驗結果所得資料,進行T檢定及共變數分析,以了解實驗組在創造力表現的情形;進行T檢定和單因子共變數分析,以了解兩組受試在「領導技能問卷」的表現。並輔以實驗組參與方案的質性資料,佐證實驗結果,為前、後測的不等組實驗設計。本研究主要發現如下: 一、 在創造力的成效:實驗組學生在「威廉斯創造思考活動」與「陶倫斯創造思考測驗圖形版」之流暢力與獨創力分數與控制組學生未達顯著差異,但是在開放性、精密力、標題與總分分數與控制組學生達顯著差異。 二、 在領導才能的成效:實驗組學生在「領導技能問卷」之領導基本概念向度、書寫溝通技巧、團體動力技巧、個人特質的分數與控制組學生未達顯著差異,但是在口語溝通技巧、價值澄清、做決定技巧、問題解決技巧、計畫技巧的向度和總分的分數與控制組學生達顯著差異。 三、 在學生滿意度及教師省思:實驗組學生能提出正向回饋和滿意度,教師則提出七項個人省思成長。 根據本研究發現及省思,研究者提出建議,作為及後續研究、教學者之參考。The research focuses on making an adventure education program for promoting the creativity and leadership of 63 gifted students in math and science of two junior high schools in Taipei. The Creativity Assessment Packet, Leadership Development Program, and Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking are used to test all the students, including 29 of them accepting the program for 12 times and 34 of them not accepting any of the program. After the program, T-test and ANCOVA analysis are used to find out the result of creativity of the experimental group. The T-test and ANCOVA analysis are used to understand the result of Leadership Development Program of the two groups of the students. The result is also explained due to the qualitative information gathered from the experimental group. The main findings of the research are as the followings: 1. Creativity Efficiency The scores of the students of the experimental group and those of the controlled group are not significant in fluency and originality, but the scores are significant in openness, delicacy, title, and total scores. 2. Leadership Efficiency The scores of the students of the experimental group and those of the controlled group are not significant in dimensions of the basic concepts of leadership, writing communicative skills, group dynamic skills, and personal traits, but the scores are significant in oral communicative skills, value clarification, skills of making decisions, and skills of making plans. 3. The Students’ Satisfaction and the Teacher’s Reflection The feedbacks of the experimental group of the students are positive, and they feel satisfied. The teacher produces some reflection. Based on the findings, some suggestions are offered for the later researchers and teachers.探索教育體驗活動創造力領導才能adventure educationexperiencecreativityleadership探索教育活動方案對國中資優生創造力、領導才能之成效研究Research on Adventure Education Program for Gifted Students in Junior High School