國立臺灣師範大學國文學系石曉楓2015-01-292015-01-292012/8-201http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/43828本計畫預計以三年時間,分別對一九二○年代末至三○年代、大陸「十七年 小說」以及「新時期」小說中,以「革命加戀愛」為題材的創作進行考察,而研 究重點則置於其中身體書寫的轉變及意義分析。 在三○年代小說部分,預計先擇取蔣光慈、茅盾、洪靈菲三位作家作品為主。 蔣光慈為「革命加戀愛」小說的開山之祖;茅盾所顯示意義則為其在創作與批評 中態度的曖昧與多重性;至於洪靈菲作品裡所描寫的「哭泣身體」,則是此類型 創作中較為特殊者。 「十七年小說」部分,本計畫預計分兩個方向進行素材的過濾、擇取與閱讀, 一類是寫一九四九以前戰爭時期中的革命、戀愛與身體,此類長篇作品卷帙浩 繁,以楊沫《青春之歌》等為代表;另一類則是描繪社會主義建設時期中,在革 命建設目的高懸下的戀愛/夫妻關係與身體表達,如秦也牧〈我們夫婦之間〉等。 「新時期」小說部分,則鎖定文化大革命結束後,張賢亮、陳忠實、王小波、 閻連科等人對於革命/戀愛身體的操作與顛覆。 本計畫的特殊之處,在於對「革命加戀愛」小說的討論,自茅盾以降,一般 集中於敘事模式的歸納,以及彼此消長、互動關係的探討等,但計畫意圖另闢蹊 徑,從作品內容及作家個人態度多重而游移的身體表述與觀念裡,探測、重讀文 本間的罅隙。本計畫的最終目的則是希望藉由脈絡化的研究,建立「革命加戀愛」 小說裡關於「身體」表述初步的歷史流變軌跡,並指出其意義,以為後續更細密 的身體史研究奠定基礎。The three-year project will discuss the following topics respectively: (1) novels from the end of 1920’s to 1930’s, (2) novels of “The Seventeen Years” and (3) novels of “The New Period”. I will especially focus on those novels with “revolution plus love” as their subject and discuss the transition of body writing and its meaning. Among the novels of the 1930’s, I will discuss works of Jiang Guangci(蔣光慈), Mao Dun(茅盾) and Hong Lingfei(洪靈菲). Jiang is the founder of novels of “revolution plus love”. Mao’s importance lies on the ambiguous and multiple attitudes in his novels and criticism. And Hong’s description of “the crying body” is very special among the novels. In the second year, I will choose novels of “The Seventeen Years” from two aspects. One is revolution, love and body during wartime before 1949. This kind of novels is huge in number, such as Yang Mo’s(楊沫) The Song of Youth(《青春之 歌》).The other one is love/husband-and-wife relationship and body expression under the goal of revolutionary construction during the period of Socialism, such as Qin Yemu’s(秦也牧) ‘Between Husband and Wife’(〈我們夫婦之間〉). Novels of “The New Period” will include novelists after the Cultural Revolution, who operate and overthrow the topics of revolution, love and body, such as Zhang Xianliang(張賢亮), Chen Zhongshi(陳忠實), Wang Xiaobo(王小波), Yan Lianke(閻 連科) and so on. The former literature on novels of “revolution plus love” started from Mao Dun(茅盾) usually focuses on the generalization of narrative styles and their growth and decline. This project aims to explore and reread cracks of different works from the novels’ and novelists’ multiple and oscillated descriptions of the body. Through systematic study, the goal of this project is to establish a preliminary history of body writing in novels of “revolution plus love” and to point out its meaning to further research.革命加戀愛身體左翼小說十七年小說文革小說revolution plus lovebodyleft-wing novelsnovels of “The Seventeen Years”revolutionary novels「革命加戀愛」小說中身體書寫的轉變及其意義The Transition of Body Writing in Novels of “Revolution Plus Love” and Its Meaning