蘇崇彥C.-Y. Su范修源H.-Y. Fan2019-09-042014-7-152019-09-042011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698700585%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99216在做車道線偵測時,針對感興趣的區域(region of interest, ROI)做定義是為了減少檢測的計算量。在參數空間上一般會習慣將ROI限制成矩形,但矩形的區域容易產生偵測線的躁動。為了解決這個問題,本文中提出了一個橢圓形的ROI在霍夫轉換(Hough Transform, HT)的參數空間中。這麼做不僅提高了車道偵測的精確度,還減少了HT的計算複雜度。 此外本論文還提出了兩種系統。第一個是輔助車道偵測系統,它可用來防止突發事件,如車道線的消失。第二個是變換車道系統,它能有效的警示駕駛者已經偏離車道或正在切換車道。實驗結果證實我們的演算法能夠成功且有效地運用在車道偵測上。Region of interest (ROI) for the lane detection is a commonly used approach to reduce the computational complexity. However, the traditional ROI in the Hough parameter space is prone to result in vibrated lane markings. To solve this problem, this study presents an elliptic ROI in the Hough parameter space. The proposed ROI not only can increase the accuracy of lane detection but also can further reduce the computational complexity of Hough transform. Besides, this study also presents two auxiliary systems. One is the assistant lane detection, which is used to solve the problem that one side of lane-markings is disappeared. The other one is the lane changing system, which can be used to warn the driver that the car is going to leave the track. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm results in more accurate and satisfying lane-marking detection.霍夫轉換感興趣的區域輔助車道偵測系統變換車道系統Hough Transform(HT)Region of Interest(ROI)Assistant Lane DetectionLane Changing System基於霍夫轉換在參數空間以橢圓形搜尋範圍為基礎之車道線偵測A Lane Detection Algorithm Based on Elliptical Searching Region in Hough Parameter Space