陳憲明2014-10-272014-10-272006-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23589台灣的鮪釣漁業,在1980 年代以後,面臨著勞力不足及近海漁獲減少等問題,以致經營困 難,東港、小琉球的很多小型鮪釣船就在外銷代理商的號召帶領下,紛紛前往東南亞及西南太平 洋各地,利用當地廉價的勞力和鮪魚資源,以外國的港口作為卸魚和補給的基地,再將捕獲的生 鮮鮪魚以空運外銷日本生魚片市場。本文在探討台灣的鮪魚船、加工業者、外銷代理商在印尼巴 里活動的情形。巴里有如下優越的區位條件:接近漁場,港口設施完善,物價便宜,勞工充足, 治安良好,往日本及台灣的飛機航班多等,因而吸引了台灣的鮪魚相關業者的聚集。After 1980s, the tuna longline fishing in Taiwan had a hard time because of the lack of labor and the shortage of offshore catches. In order to benefit from the local low-paid labor and tuna resources, many small longline vessels coming from Tonkung and Hsiau Liu-chiu have acted on export-trade agents’ recommendations, and headed for Southeast Asia as well as the Southwest Pacific states. There they use overseas harbors as a station for unloading catches, replenishing goods, materials, and airlifting the freshly caught tuna to the sashimi(slice of raw fish) market in Japan as well. This paper focuses on the activity of Taiwan's tuna longline vessels, processors and export-trade agents in Bali-Indonesia. The location of Bali provides many advantages: near to fishing grounds, a fully-equipped harbor, lower commodity prices, sufficient labor, good public security, constant flights to Japan and Taiwan, etc. According to the above advantageous conditions, Bali attracts an aggregation of many Taiwan's tuna-related businesses.鮪釣漁業國外漁業基地區位分析社會網絡印尼巴里島Tuna longline fishingOversea landing baseLocation analysisSocial networkBali-Indonesia印尼巴里島臺灣漁業基地的區位分析Location Analysis of Taiwan's Fishing Landing Base in Bali, Indonesia