張正芬羅祥妤Hsiang-Yu Lo2019-08-282008-7-222019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695090226%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91841本研究採用質性研究方法之個案研究,探討一位國小四年級亞斯伯格症資優生(化名小探),以加速制當中「提早選修高一層級以上教育階段之課程」方案,到國一接受生物科學習的學校生活樣貌。歷時十九個月的陪伴與研究過程中,先後與22名研究參與者進行互動,並透過觀察、訪談及文件蒐集相關資料。 經過資料的分析與理解,研究者將小探提早選修的學校生活區分成國中端與國小端的學習,根據小探在國中端的學習體驗依序分為「積極蜜月期」、「熟悉表現期」、「疲倦脫序期」及「摸索調整期」四個階段,國小端也分別在學習與人際互動兩個向度上出現改變。接著提出研究結果與發現:(一)小探到國中上課後,提升自我實現與參與團體課程的學習動機。(二)透過小探在國中上課,重新檢視及再訓練基本學習能力與策略。(三)國中課程進行的時間短暫,且礙於其實施目的,教師難以解決及促進小探與國中同儕的人際發展,甚至出現每況愈下的結果。(四)藉由小探到國中上課,在國小同儕心中形成正向觀感,進而提升其國小人際互動的品質。(五)小探在提早選修過程中,接受來自國中與國小行政、教師的支持,及家人和兩端同儕的協助。(六)小探的資優特質因為行為干擾而被消極否定,導致教師對於身障資優生的要求缺乏信心。 最後,基於研究結果與討論,提出具體建議供未來相關實務工作之參考。This research adopted the case study, one kind of the qualitative methods, investigated a gifted elementary school(fourth grade) student with Asperger syndrome(named Hsiao-Tan). By participating Partial Acceleration Program which is higher-level curricular, one type of acceleration, Hsiao-Tan accepted Biology course in junior high school(seventh grade). During the nineteen months long company and survey, the researcher continually interacted with 22 participants and collected key data which from observation, interview and studying literature review. By data analysis and comprehension, the researcher divided research process into two parts: junior high school and original elementary school. According to Hsiao-Tan’s learning experience in junior high school, the researcher divided into four stages sequentially, called “Active and Intimate Period”, “Familiar and Expressible Period”, “Tired and Disordered Period”, and “Exploration and Adjustment Period”. On the other hand, Hsiao-Tan changed in learning and social life in elementary school. Finally, the researcher summarized the research findings and results as follows: a.After Partial Acceleration process, Hsiao-Tan enhanced his self realization and motivated group course learning. b.By Partial Acceleration Program, Hsiao-Tan learned the basic learning skills and strategies which never learned before. c.According to the research finding, Partial Acceleration Program was too short to solve and encourage the interpersonal relationship between Hsiao-Tan and older peers, and even became deteriorating results. d.By Partial Acceleration Program, Hsiao-Tan obtained more positive perception from his elementary school classmates, furthermore, he improved the quality of social relationship than before. e.Hsiao-Tan accepted the support of administrators, junior and elementary school teachers, classmates, and his family during the Partial Acceleration Program. f.The abrupt behavior of Hsiao-Tan also negatively affected, and also his teachers lacked the self-confidence to request twice-exceptional students. In view of both these findings and results, substantial suggestions for future studies and relative practice are proposed.亞斯伯格症身障資優加速制提早選修個案研究Asperger syndrometwice-exceptionalaccelerationPartial Accelerationcase study動身、啟程,國小與國中交錯的生活-一位參與加速制亞斯伯格資優生的學校適應The school adaptation of a gifted student with Asperger Syndrome who participated in acceleration program