譚光鼎Kuan-Ting Tang曾碩彥Shou-Yen Tseng2019-08-282010-7-232019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000137%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90149在追求教育機會均等的社會潮流推波助瀾之下,政府積極針對弱勢民族提出因應對策並制訂相關法令,彰顯政府對於原住民教育的重視,因而在偏遠原住民地區設立完全中學。此類完全中學的高中部同時有原住民與平地學生就讀,他們不同的文化特質與生活習慣,可能使兩群學生對學校教育產生不同的想法與行動。基於此,本研究主要目的,在探究偏遠原住民地區完全中學之平地與原住民高中部學生的學校教育觀,描述學生如何看待學校教育與相應的行動策略,包括對學校、課程、教師與同儕等。並且嘗試分析學校教育觀的背景脈絡及成因,解析學校制度及社會文化脈絡的影響因素,以提供教育改革措施的參考依據。 本研究透過參與觀察、深度訪談與文件分析等質性研究方法,選取臺灣地區某偏遠原住民地區的完全中學(化名為蜻蜓中學)作為研究現場,進行七個月的現場研究,每週進入研究現場二至三天,參與學生的學校生活,晚間則夜宿學生宿舍,與學生共同體驗課後的宿舍生活,以瞭解學生在經驗學校生活所產生的觀點與行動策略,並嘗試以學生文化理論對相關資料進行分析。本研究之主要結論如下: 一、學生「學校教育觀」的主軸 1. 外來平地生追求高中教育的「升學」價值,以「升學機會」作為評斷學校良窳之依據。 2. 本地原住民學生追求高中教育的「文憑」價值,以「畢業機會」作為評斷學校良窳之依據。 二、學校教育觀的學校因素 1. 「分數」為影響學生學校教育觀的重要符碼,卻不表示學校具有重視學業成就的統合價值文化。 2. 外來平地學生承繼社會主流文化價值,運用「原住民學生作參照」、「接受補習教育」來突破學校環境不利自己升學的問題。 3. 本地原住民學生放棄內化社會主流文化價值,透過「找尋成績以外的價值」來解決學校環境不利自己畢業的困難。 三、學校教育觀的社會文化因素 1. 外來平地生受家庭環境及社區文化的影響,產生順從學校的文化特徵,發展出排斥「本校校名、但卻肯定學校教育」的文化參照架構。 2. 外來平地生受家庭文化的影響,學生先選擇廉價的公立學校之後,再選擇「補習教育」作為「升大學」的主要途徑。 3. 本地原住民學生受家庭環境及社區文化的影響,並未產生反抗學校的文化特徵,並且肯定學校教育對未來生活的幫助。 4. 本地原住民學生受家庭文化的影響,選擇以發展「玩樂文化」來回應家長對 「拿文憑」的期待,從而再製了家庭文化。In order to pursue equality of educational opportunity, the government begin to pay attention to education of minority students. Therefore, they set up complete schools in the remote aboriginal areas. However, there are senior Han and aboriginal students study in these schools at the same time, and these two groups may develop different perspectives and action in the process of school education. Thus, my first objective is to investigate the school education perspective of these students, including their views of school, curriculum, teacher and classmate. Then I describe the relationship between the formation of perspective and action, and analyze the school and social context which students are in. At last, I make conclusion about the charactersof Han and aboriginal students’ school education perspectives, proposing some implications on educational reforms. To fulfill above purpose, the research adapts the qualitative study approach and collect data by long-term participant observation and interviews. Various kinds of documents are also gathered during this period. Through interviews and participative observations taken, we can find out about the influenced power of student’s perspectives as well as understand the students` adaptation and transaction when facing the daily life in the school. Research results are as follows: 1. The main point of students’ school education perspectives (1)Han students pursue high school value of ‘entering higher school’, and judge school equality with ‘the opportunity of entering higher school’. (2)Aboriginal students pursue high school value of ‘diploma’, and judge school equality with ‘the opportunity of graduation’. 2. The school factor of school education perspectives (1)’Grade’ is a important symbol of school education perspective, but it does not mean that school has interconnected system which pay attention to academic achievement. (2)Han students adopt the cultural value of the social mainstream, and ‘make comparison with aboriginal classmates’ and ‘enter cram school’ to breakthrough entering higher school unfavorably at school. (3)Aboriginal students does not adopt the cultural value of the social mainstream, and ‘look for value beyond the grade’ to solve the difficulty of graduating from high school. 3. The social culture factor of school education perspectives (1)Han students are influenced by the culture of family and community, producing the culture characteristic of compliance at school, and does not identify their school but affirm school education. (2)Han students are influenced by the culture of family, and study in cheap public high school, regarding cram school as a influenced way to enter university. (3)Aboriginal students are influenced by the culture of family and community, and does not produce the culture of resistance at school, affirming school education is help for future life. (4)Aboriginal students are influenced by the culture of family, and create the culture of playing to obtain diploma, therefore, they reproduce the culture of their own family.原住民學生平地學生學生文化學校教育Aboriginal studentHan studentStudent cultureschool education爛學校與好學校─平地與原住民學生的學校教育觀School education perspectives of The Han and Aboriginal Students