謝智謀Hsieh, Chih-Mou程子窈Cheng, Tzu-Yao2019-08-282017-07-232019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060307028E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88249本研究旨在瞭解海外服務學習培訓課程之成效,以Kirkpatrick評估模式之反應、學習及行為三層次為理論基礎。綜觀過去相關文獻,參與海外服務學習能提升個人專業知識、文化素養、團隊合作及自我成長等能力,我國政府也逐漸重視海外服務學習的學習效益,並推動相關政策。相關研究建議應規劃客製化的培訓課程,加強參與者具備從事服務學習時的相關能力,然而,海外服務學習培訓課程對參與者之成效,較少文獻探討之。因此,本研究探討海外服務學習培訓課程之成效、不同個人因素對培訓課程成效之差異及三層次之間的相關性。 研究方法為問卷調查法,以隨機取樣方式選取參與華人磐石領袖協會2014年至2017年海外服務學習之志工為研究對象,運用「海外服務學習培訓課程成效調查問卷」進行調查,共回收有效問卷161份,有效問卷回收率為99.38%。統計方法包含描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關。研究結果如下: 一、海外服務學習培訓課程成效良好,反應層次、學習層次及行為層次各量表得分平均皆為4分以上,介於「同意」至「非常同意」之間。 二、不同個人因素對海外服務學習培訓課程成效之三層次達部分顯著差異:海外服務學習培訓課程成效不因參與年份及參與動機之不同而有所差異;不同學習階段、服務學習經驗及行前培訓課程參與堂數對海外服務學習培訓課程成效達部分顯著差異。 三、海外服務學習培訓課程成效之反應層次、學習層次及行為層次間具有高度相關,顯示志工對培訓課程的滿意度愈高,其個人學習成效與實際應用成效愈高。 最後根據本研究結果,歸納研究發現並對華人磐石領袖協會、相關單位及後續研究提出幾項建議。This study aims to understand the effectiveness of the international service learning Training Program. The theory is based on the three levels of the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model: Reaction Level, Learning Level and Behavior Level. According to the relative privier studies, attending international service learning can enhance abilities, such as personal professional knowledge, cultural literacy, cooperative teamwork skills and self-improvement. Our government has been gradually putting more emphasis on the learning advantages of the international service learning and promoting relative policies. The relative studies suggest planning customized training programs to strengthen participants’ relative abilities to engage international service learning. However, there are few studies that discuss the effectiveness of the international service learning training program for the participants. Therefore, this study investigates the effectiveness of the international service learning training program, how personal factors change the effectiveness of the training program, and the relationship among the three levels. This study applies the questionnaire investigation method and picks random samples from the volunteers who attended the international service learning of the Chinese Rock Leadership Association between 2014 and 2017 as research targets. The survey was conducted with the “Investigation into the Effectiveness of the International Service Learning Training Program Questionnaire”. 99.38% of the questionnaires were found to be valid, with there being 161 valid questionnaires. The statistical methods include: Descriptive Statistics, Independent-Sample t-Test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation. The results of the study are as shown below: 1.The international service learning training program is shown to be effective. The average evaluation scores were all above 4 points in each level, the levels being: Reaction Level, Learning Level and Behavior Level. These results were between “Agree” and “Strongly Agree”. 2.The differences between different personal factors and the effectiveness of the international service training program in the three levels were partially significant; The effectiveness, the year and the motivation of the participation were of no practical or significant difference; The differences between the effectiveness and the different education statuses, service learning experiences, and the number of pre-service training program classes attended were partially significant. 3.The Reaction Level, Learning Level and Behavior Level of the effectiveness of the international service training program are highly correlated, which indicates that the higher level of satisfaction with the training program, the higher personal learning effect and practical application effect. At last, the results of this study have led to research discoveries as well as suggestions for the Chinese Rock Leadership Association, the relative unions and future studies.海外服務學習培訓課程成效Kirkpatrick評估模式International service learningTraining program effectivenessKirkpatrick evaluation model海外服務學習培訓課程成效之研究A study of the Effectiveness of International Service Learning Training Program