洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao簡翊安Chien, Yi-An2023-12-082023-07-062023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/718c22e28b7f74c6a012c53f8f46c151/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119345表演藝術長期受到教師教學導向的限制,使得學習者無法保持學習興趣。為了解決此問題,本研究融入密室逃脫的概念,以觸發學習者在有限時間內進入另一個虛擬的空間中進行遊戲。為了探討此款遊戲對學習者的效果,本研究以特質活化理論為基礎,探究後設認知技巧、體驗價值和學習表現之間的相關性。特別是,本研究使用國立臺灣師範大學數位遊戲實驗室所開發的數位密室逃脫遊戲—Brain Challenge智能大挑戰,將表演藝術知識融入遊戲中,探究偏遠地區國中生於表演藝術認知學習的表現。本研究使用實驗研究和問卷調查法,採立意取樣,邀請新竹縣偏遠地區某公立國中七年級、八年級及九年級學生為研究對象,為期八週,有效樣本共186份。問卷係經參考相關文獻後編制,包含「後設認知技巧—自我計畫」、「後設認知技巧—自我監控」、「後設認知技巧—自我評鑑」、「求知性價值」和「趣味性價值」量表。透過SPSS 23與AMOS 20執行結構方程模式分析及驗證,得下列研究結果:一、後設認知技巧—自我計畫與遊戲自我效能無顯著相關。二、後設認知技巧—自我監控與遊戲自我效能具顯著正相關。三、後設認知技巧—自我評鑑與遊戲自我效能具顯著正相關。四、遊戲自我效能與求知性價值具顯著正相關。五、遊戲自我效能與趣味性價值具顯著正相關。六、求知性價值與學習表現具顯著正相關。七、趣味性價值與學習表現具顯著正相關。八、不同性別在後設認知技巧、體驗價值和學習表現具有顯著差異。Performaning arts has been instructed by teachers’ orientation that discourage students to maintain interest to learn. To address this issue, the present study incorporated an escape room to trigger students to play in a limited time frame to enter another room. To explore the game effect of students, this study, drawn on the theory of trait activation theory, investigated the correlates between metacognitive skills, experiential value, and learning outcome. Particularly, this study utilizes the digital escape room game, “Brain Challenge”, developed by the Digital Game-based Learning Lab of National Taiwan Normal University, which incorporates performing arts knowledge into the game, to explore the performance of rural junior high school students in performing arts cognitive learning.This study was conducted an experimental design and questionnaire survey method, using purposive sampling to invite seventh, eighth, and ninth-grade students from a rural public junior high school in Hsinchu County as participants. A total of 186 valid samples were collected over a period of 8 weeks. The questionnaires were developed based on relevant literature and included scales for metacognitive skills, such as self-planning, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation, as well as epistemic value and enjoyment. Structural equation modeling analysis and validation were conducted using SPSS 23 and AMOS 20. The results of this study are as follows: (1) Metacognitive skill - self-planning is not significantly related to game self-efficacy. (2) Metacognitive skill - self-monitoring can positively predict game self-efficacy. (3) Metacognitive skill - self-evaluation can positively predict game self-efficacy. (4) Game self-efficacy can positively predict epistemic value. (5) Game self-efficacy can positively predict enjoyment. (6) Epistemic value can positively predict learning performance. (7) Enjoyment can positively predict learning performance. (8) Also, there are significant differences in metacognitive skills, experiential value, and learning performance in genders.表演藝術後設認知技巧遊戲自我效能求知性價值趣味性價值學習表現performing artsmetacognitive skillsgame self-efficacyepistemic valueenjoymentlearning performance以密室逃脫遊戲探究學習表演藝術知識之後設認知技巧、遊戲自我效能、體驗價值與學習表現之相關研究Using an Escape Room Game to Explore the Relationship between Metacognitive Skills, Game Self-efficacy, Experiential Value and Learning Performance in a Performing Arts Courseetd