賴慧文許常武Hsu, Chang-Wu2022-06-082021-01-112022-06-082020https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/726a971fb40c659eafb50e458d62f589/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118341noneThe performance of equity funds in Taiwan is better than the market portfolio, but not all of them can survive long enough. The size of most funds becomes smaller and smaller as time passes by. Bootstrap simulations suggest that most funds produce benchmark-adjusted expected returns sufficient to not only cover their cost but also outperform the market. Although adding back expense ratio does improve fund performance, the expense ratio data are questionable. Also, superior and inferior fund managers do exist in the real-world mutual fund.noneLuck or SkillBootstrap simulations運氣好還是能力好?臺灣股票型共同基金的表現Luck or Skills? The Performance of Equity Mutual Funds in Taiwan學術論文