廖振富林信宏Lin, Hsin-hung2019-08-292010-2-92019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095262103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93187李南衡,在台灣當代社會中,是具備多重身份的文化人。從事兒童文學編輯和創作超過三十年,他是兒童文學的耕耘者。在鄉土文學論戰時期,蒐集已漸亡佚的日治時期台灣文學史料,編輯成《日據下台灣新文學》明集五大冊,保存珍貴的台灣文學史料,他是戒嚴時代整理、研究台灣文學的先驅。不但長期執筆關心臺灣文化、批判社會現象,近年也跨足廣播媒體,傳達對台灣社會的關切,他更是臺灣本土文化的捍衛者。 本文的研究,主要是從李南衡各種面向的實踐,探討他和維繫台灣文化的關連性,進而探究他在當代社會的脈動中所扮演的角色,以及他對維護台灣文學、文化的努力與貢獻等。全文共分六章,簡述如下: 第一章〈緒論〉。第二章,〈一個本土知識分子的生成:李南衡的生命歷程〉。第三章,〈兒童文學的長期耕耘〉,以「編輯、創作、翻譯」三方面來看,分析李南衡對推廣台灣兒童文學的貢獻。第四章,〈始自台灣,終至台灣—台灣觀點之文學〉,以《日據下台灣新文學》的編輯、《文季》中的創作、外來語研究與台語創作等,探討他對台灣文學的付出與堅持。第五章,〈知識份子的情懷—政治批判及社會關懷〉,從他所發表的政治與社會評論,以及從事廣播媒體的主持,觀察他對台灣社會的關懷及努力。第六章〈結論〉,歸納本研究的成果與心得,並提出未來的展望。Nan-Heng Lee, a cultural person with multiple faces in Taiwan contemporary society, also known as a cultivator of child literature, has more than 30 years experience editing and writing child literature. During the period of native literature debating, Lee collected Taiwanese literary materials of Japanese occupation period, which were being disappeared, and compiled 5 volumes of the Taiwanese New Literature of the Japanese Period. This collection preserves invaluable Taiwanese literary materials. In the martial law period, Lee is the pioneer of Taiwanese literature systemization and study. Not only does he concern Taiwanese culture and criticize social phenomenon by his words, but in recent years, he also steps into broadcast media to put his focus on Taiwanese society. Lee is a defender of Taiwanese local culture. Initializing from several aspects of Lee’s practice, this study discusses the relationship between Lee and the Taiwanese culture. In addition, this study explores the role Lee plays in the contemporary society, and also his contribution to Taiwanese literature and culture. The summary is described as below. The first chapter is Introduction, while the second chapter discusses the Cultivation of a Local Cultivation, Lee's Career Life. The third chapter, a Long-term Tillage on Child Literature, analyses Lee's contributions on Taiwanese child literature form the aspects of as an editor, a creator and a translator. The fourth chapter, All the Way — a Taiwanese Viewpoint Literature, discusses Lee's contribution and persistence on Taiwanese literature by analyzing his editorial work the Taiwanese New Literature of the Japanese Period, literary works in Wen-ji, Literature Quarterly, and his studies on barrowed words, and Taiwanese words. The fifth chapter, the Sentiment of an Intellectual—Lee’s Political Critics and Social Concerns, observes his political expression, editorial articles, and his broadcast program to conclude his concerns and efforts on Taiwanese society. The sixth chapter concludes the study and brings up a prospective approach.李南衡兒童文學台灣文學外來語台語研究Nan-Heng Leechild literatureTaiwanese literature多面實踐,一種堅持:李南衡與台灣文化的追尋Multiple practice with One Insistence : Nan-Heng Lee and his Quest of Taiwanese Culture